Heather LeStabbityDeath profile picture

Heather LeStabbityDeath

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, Im the Trouble Kitten, also alternately known as Crimson or Heather. Body piercer and receptionist at Lasting Impressions, Des Moines. (look for http://www.myspace.com/lastingimpressionsdsm ) Bartender at The Game in Urbandale. I randomly do modeling, through Fusions or just through whatever work happens to fall in my lap. This is not my professional profile. I have some of my portfolio pictures in my picture section, for both piercing and modeling. You can message me on here, but if you want full references and things like that...You're going to have to ask.
I'm a handful of contradictions. The cuddle punk, cutely vicious, joyously callous; silent and creepy one moment, and vividly articulate the next. I'm well known for giving someone a warm, friendly hug, followed by a solid punch to the kidneys, for no discernable reason.
Self summary is a bitch... In a form that is easily understood:
I've managed to survive for 21 years with my, high risk&, lifestyle. It's confusing.
If you know me personally **as in, met me before finding me on myspace** and want to hang out, give me a call. If you don't have my number, message me and ask for it. Preferably with yours, though don't expect me to call you, I'm shitty at that game.
I am BRUTALLY Honest. I don't care if you're offended by what I think of...anything. It's my opinion, and my view on life. If you don't like it, grow the fuck up and get over it, because you probably can't change how I see things.
I work at Lasting Impressions; body piercer (stabbing people for profit), and counter bitch.

My Interests

I adore stabbing people (piercing, my job ROCKS) art, music, photography, theatre, concerts, gaming, movies, writing, coffee, reading, water sports, hanging out with my friends, and whatever else catches my attention.

I'm a model with Fusions by Jacob Ross. I also do whatever freelance stuff falls my way. I mostly do alternative modeling, since I am pierced and tattooed. I have a few photos up here, but you'll have to ask for my actual portfolio and resume!
Click here for links to more information about my modeling!

Death and all related subjects fascinate me. Someday, I will be a serial killer, or an assassin.

Blood is sexy, and the events that cause bleeding, often even more so.

Every day, I do something nice for a random stranger. Usually, that nice thing is *not* hitting them with my car, no matter how much they deserve it. They never know how grateful they should be to still be alive

The combined scent of whiskey, coffee, and blood is the sexiest--and most comforting-- smell in the world. Also; whiskey, coffee, and blood, make everything better.

To be able to create something new is the most amazing ability in the world. Sadly, no one can do it anymore. If I could cry, I would weep for such a lack of true originality in the world.

Tattoos and piercings obsess me. If I could draw, I would try for a tattoo apprenticeship. It's okay though, I LOVE piercing. I'm also slowly adding ink to myself.

There is nothing sexier than an pin up girl. 50s pinup girls are incredibly hott. They can only be improved by tattoos, piercings, and open wounds.

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which to die.
Think about that next time you choose the low fat high vitamin low flavor foods.

I'd like to meet:

Fellow piercers and body modifications artists. Photographers and models. People who know me-though I suppose that's less 'meeting' and more 'finding on myspace'. People who know me by association (you know my friend so-and-so from wherever). If I do not see you on a regular basis, or haven't met you yet, you should probably message me to tell me who you are and why you are asking to be my friend, otherwise the answer is no.

I am incredibly critical, judgemental, and shallow. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN HAVING SEX WITH YOU. DO NOT MESSAGE ME TO TELL ME HOW 'HAWT' YOU THINK I AM.

If you have managed to read this far, and still want to message me, if you don't manage to message me with something interesting to catch my attention, you lose, and if i'm busy, i'll delete the message, otherwise I'll continue my personal mission to rudely reply to every boring message I get. Spices up my internet life a little ;).

And again, to make this easily understood:


I adore punk and metal, but i like just about everything except rap, r&b, and hip hop. That shit bothers me.


I like very good movies (Boondock Saints, Donnie Darko, Full Metal Jacket, 8mm, Audition, Imprint, 1 hour photo, etc etc etc). And very bad movies (hide and creep, slither, vampires vs. zombies, bordello of blood, mortuary). I like the typical 'anti social kid' movies (see first list), and really, really bad horror movies. I mean, really bad. Like, b-rated or worse. And anything zombie or vampire related; which is usually b-rated. Or worse.


I watch comedy central, i like comedians, like Dane Cook, the late great Bill Hicks, Lewis Black, etc. Also, very partial to the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. Outside of comedy central, i watch adult swim (mostly for metalocolypse, family guy, and aqua teen hunger force). Other favorites: Dead Like Me. CSI (the original csi, in Las Vegas). Law and Order SVU. Bones.


My taste in movies is similar to my taste in books, though I try not to see the movie version of books I like, they are never as good as the book. I like all kinds of books, especially fantasy, the more macabre, and true crime. It would be incredibly silly of me to try to write the title of all the books I enjoy, and would take up more space than I like to think about, so instead, a list of authors that tickle my fancy.

Some of the most impressive, enlightening, and/or amusing writers I have come across are:Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Addams, Sharon Green, Clive Barker, Anne Bishop, Doublas Preston & Lincoln Child (they write together) Hunter S. Thompson, Mercedes Lackey, Dean Koontz, Kurt Vonnegut, David Sedaris, Edgar Allen Poe (I'm such a goth kid at heart sometimes)....and so many more.

My Blog

Shop news!

We will be closed January 24th-January28th to move to our new location 333 Grand Ave. Suite 101We are actually on East 4th between Grand and Locust...
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 03:01:00 PST

Good times and weird allergies

Last night, Laura, Kim, and I decided it was time for a night out. We went to GTs for a bit, after getting ourselves all girled up, and had some boozes. We were about to migrate to another bar, when o...
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 10:21:00 PST

Drinking is the answer to lifes problems

As always, December has been a stressful month for me, and it's not over yet. The typical December roadblocks have occurred, and I am working on them, but understandably, that has made me a little ang...
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 12:19:00 PST

Dogs or Home?

We got a letter from our landlord today bitching at us for not informing her of our second dog. Also, rottweilers are not allowed. Or chows. Or american staffordshire terriers (Pitbulls). Or several o...
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:12:00 PST

Have a car for sale? Know someone who does?

The transmission is out on my van. trying to find something new. Let me know if you know someone who's selling  a vehicle worth buying!
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 07:35:00 PST

Boob Maiming Part II

Surgery was today. General anesthesia caused me to sleep through it, and then sleep continuously until about 20 minutes ago. Starting to wear off now. I'm not really in any pain yet, even though I hav...
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 10:29:00 PST

Boob maiming

On November 16th, I get boob maimed. I'm having an excisional biopsy to determine the cause of the lump that they are taking out. Given my age, it's probably benign. I'll know for sure when I get my r...
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:36:00 PST

What the hell

Is going on tonight? I'm so freaking bored! Call me if there is a shindig somewhere.
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 04:53:00 PST

So you wanna be a model ...

I'm in juice. Weird!actual article: http://www.dmjuice.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070530/J UICE01/705300326/1115/juice
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Wed, 30 May 2007 11:28:00 PST

I need to borrow something...

Anyone have a black hooded robe or something I can borrow? And maybe a scythe? I need it for an upcoming photoshoot, grim reaper thingies! I promise if I can borrow one or both, everything will be ret...
Posted by Heather LeStabbityDeath on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:11:00 PST