Captain Matt profile picture

Captain Matt

.. ... but I know that I'm married to the sea.

About Me

I'm Matt.I moved up to Humboldt last fall for school after growing up in "the OC" and I couldn't be happier.
I'm double majoring history/political science. The answers are in the past, and you can spark change with politics- think about it. I'm on a frustrating search for so many answers, and although understanding follows, it is so limited and slow coming.
In life I've always just laughed, what else can you really do? I try to make the best of the situations I'm put in and make the best decisions possible.
I'm a Taurus. I don't know how much I buy Horiscopes or personality tendencies.. But I am one stuborn mother f***. Too stuborn to give up, and too stuborn to give in. It's not always a bad trait, but I'll be the first to admit I can be a pain in the ass.
If you want to piss me off, heres how: Lie to me, steal from me, or try to take advantage of me or the people I care about. I'm not an unintelligent person, I'll figure it out. Sometimes I'm a little naive as I like to give people the benifit of the doubt, but I can usually see through deception fairly quickly.
I try to be a good person- seriously. As vague a statement as that is. I have my morals set high, although my views tend to be a little abstract. I have substance, a conversation with me and you'll understand. Or perhaps you won't.
I'm a loyal friend and excpect the same from my friends. The friends that have become my family have proved this to me many times over, and I to them through the course. The course being a long *** time in most cases haha.
I love talking for long periods of time discussing politics and religion. They are such interesting subjects with so many posible angles.. Basically I want to figure out the meaning of life - and I'm getting closer every day.

My Interests

Music. I love reading and writing, both are excellent therepeutic escapes for me. I hike and backpack, I'm a bit of a nature boy, more so now that I've relocated to the beautiful redwood forest. The energy it eminates promotes remedial meditation that offers a clarity I have trouble finding otherwise. I'm kind of a health nut, although I'm a tad hipocritical in that I smoke, but one day I will give that up as well. I like to stay active skating the campus hills with my dorm buddies, dirtbiking, bodyboarding, swimming, BMX- I love it all.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Bradley Nowell, Kurt Cobain, Hunter S. Thompson, Che Guevara, Alfred Hoffman, Greg Graffin, Henry Anslinger, Timothy Leary, Mike Gravel, and many more.Drunk Memories
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.. ..I love music, I enjoy a wide variety of genres and styles, it just depends on my mood. Here's some to give you an idea.
AFI, Anti-Flag, The Ataris, Avenged Sevenfold, Bad Religion, The Beatles, Blink 182, Bob Marley, Bullets 'n Octane, Dashboard, Dispatch, The Doors, Elvis Presley, Eminem, Goldfinger, The Grateful Dead, Green Day, Guttermouth, Immortal Technique, Johnny Cash, Kenny Chesney, KMK, Less Than Jake, Mest, The Misfits, MxPx, My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, No Doubt, NOFX, Offspring, Pennywise, Pink Floyd, Rancid, Reel Big Fish, Rise Against, Screeching Weasel, Slightly Stoopid, Social Distortion, Sublime (#1), Sum 41, Tim McGraw, Tom Petty, The Vandals, Yellowcard.There's plenty that I missed, but if I continued much farther it might be considered redundant.



"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me" -Hunter S. Thompson

Brad Nowell
Hunter S. Thompson
Che Guevara
Greg Graffin

My Blog

What Now?

Times are changing as turning gearsThe signs are appearingis the end coming near?Government corruptionfor profit and greedslyly they shift attentionthings aren't always as they seemTension is risingan...
Posted by Captain Matt on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:33:00 PST

Happy Birthday Rachel

Dear Rachel,  Yesterday I visited your grave with everyone for your birthday.  I don't like seeing you like that, or thinking of you as a headstone, it just doesn't feel right.  Anyway...
Posted by Captain Matt on Wed, 31 May 2006 10:33:00 PST

A very different next year

So as some of you know (people who actually talk to me on a regular basis and I have more then just this digital connection with) know that some of my reckless escapades have gotten me in a good deal ...
Posted by Captain Matt on Tue, 09 May 2006 03:26:00 PST

Wasted Saturday Night

Another Saturday night and I'm home alone There's a ringing in my head but its not the phone Noone seems to be thinking of me tonight     But thats ok with me not to worry I'll get out ...
Posted by Captain Matt on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:40:00 PST


Now let me be completley clear due to a few peoples responses.  The idea of this is not to disprove the fact that marijuana is a drug, although the play on words is fun, the idea is to be purley ...
Posted by Captain Matt on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 02:09:00 PST

To Rachel

"Ill Never Forget those Nightsthat We could never Remember" I have no idea on where to start this storySo much to say about you- so much gloryLoyalty, trust. friendship, truth, and loveAnd I know your...
Posted by Captain Matt on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 02:18:00 PST

The Party.....

OK so it has come to my attention that i havent posted a blog in awhile...and i have some shit to talk about so lets do this... Last weekend as many of you know we had a pretty nice party at my house....
Posted by Captain Matt on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 06:28:00 PST

Apply here

Girlfriend Application..... Whats your Name: Nickname: Age: Birthday: Location: Sexual Preference: Height: Weight: Body Type: Eye color: Hair Color: Favorite Bands: Favorite Movies: Religion: Smoke?: ...
Posted by Captain Matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

meeting my REAL dad

ok so i never write blogs, cuz well im not emo, but i guess theres a time and a today i got to meet my birth dad for the first time, me and one of my best friends bob went down to the hoote...
Posted by Captain Matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ricks party

alright im posting a officially a myspace addict. but seriosly i have to give props to rick for having a sick ass party sat nihgt...and daniel for taking care of some kick ass tunes all night...
Posted by Captain Matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST