Adam profile picture


Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates Forrest Gump

About Me

To be honest...i've been single for the longest time..!! Rather lonely...thats why i join this websites...just to let some "space" out of my heart be filled!!I want a LTR and i didn''t go for ONS... Well, i guess if you're damn cute...different stories..Hahaha..! Neah..just kidding...still prefer to get to know "you" first before making the big move!!Adam

My Interests

I love anime....!! Cartoons....cartoons...cartoons...!! They just so simple compared to the real life...and so much characters you wish to see in a person..!!

I'd like to meet:

Do you believed in fate and destiny? Or soulmate and true love? I like to meet em'....!!!!

My Blog

Love is like a box of chocolates...- Forest Gump

Pride can stand a thousand trials and the strong will never fall, but watching stars without you my soul cried....  ...
Posted by Adam on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 06:59:00 PST