<<<<<HADY>>>>> profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

WASSUP DUDE!!!!!! I was born In Kuala Lumpur On 27 of AprilIm a very Open Minded personAnyone can be my friendsHappy go lucky. u'll need to see me in person to get to know me better.Im very friendly but Don't ever take me for granted... u'll regret it....i love to go Club/disco coz for me loud music and dancing can be so relaxing whenever Im stressed.Shopping???... Fuh fuh fuh... No comment...=)i love to chill at Coffee Houses.... especially Dome Cafe... (its my favourite place)Travel is one of my Hobby Since I was 9 years old.If u want to know more about me then U'll need to ask me... =)My Fav. phrase: That's it I'll resign Tomorrow...My email address and YM:[email protected] My Own World...
Me, Myself and I

a href="httpr-ecard-today.com/alert1.gif"

My Interests

TrAvElLiNg, SwImMiNg, BoWlInG ShOpPiNg, SuRfInG NeT n FiGhTiNg..tArA....

I'd like to meet:

I'm looking For New Friends From Around The world As i Love to tRavel... You must be open Minded, Sincere. I'm not food... So don't ever try to eat me... so for those who have interest to be my friends... add me up..approve assured... (",)


MoRe To HiP-HoP,RnB,AlTeRnAtIf,TeChNo


A WaLk To rEmEmBeR, XmEn, LoRd Of ThE RiNg, StAr WaRs, HoNeY, YoU've GoT SeRvE, SaVe tHe lAsT DaNcE, eLeKtRa,LeGaLlY BlOnDe


FeAr FaCtOr,AlIaS, SeX n ThE CiTy, QuEeR As FoLk, OpRaH, WiNfReY ShOw, DeSpErAtE HoUsEwIvEs...


AnYtHiNg.. bUt nO SeNtImEnTaL Or rOMaNcE......hE hE Im NoT ThAt tYpE Of PeRSoN .....


It CoUlD Be u...So juSt gIvE A TrY.....HehE HE...

My Blog

In mY OwN WoRd.....wassup!

a`kum,ehm...baru hari ni aku dapat peluang untuk menulis kisah diri aku pada semua....oklah bukan senang nak jadi noorhady nordin....aku adalah anak ke-5 dari 6 orang adik-beradik dimana semuanya lela...
Posted by <<<<<HADY>>>>> on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 03:29:00 PST