oLd fRiends..
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rNb, aLternaTive, am inTo OPM sonGs sOmetimEs.. i gO cRazy wEn lisTening to 94.9 (statiOn n d bAy arEA).. haha..
wIckEr pArK, sAve d lAst dAnce, cRazy bEautiFuL, hOT chIck, u gOt sErved, fAst and d fuRious 1,2,3, finAl dEstinatiOn, rAnsoM, fAce oFF, d bUtterfly eFFect, a beaUtiful mind, pEarL hArbOr, tRoy, d nOtebOok, a wAlk 2 rEmemBer, hOw to Lose a guY, 50 fiRSt dAtes, cLick (d laTest movie i've sEEn so far and i lOve it!)
**fEar fActOr, MTV, sO u tHiNk u cAn dAnce, dEsperAte hOUsewiVes**
lOves sIdney sHeldon books (have a coUple of tHem in PI).. dA vinCi cODe, aNgeLS and dEmOns, dEception pOInt, diGitaL fOrtRess (dAn bRoWn books & yah, i hAv dem aLL!) jOhn gRisham bookS (thE tEstaMent, tHe cLieNt, tHe sTreet laWyer.. and sOme oThers wEre giVen 2 me bUt i hAven't rEad thEm yet, sOoooo bc and nO tIme to do so...