i just try to keep moving and do it everyday.
i had dreams of smashing the state and destroying the record industry but i also have dreams of flying pink elephants and past lives so....
current interests include finishing college, playing music, and coffee
creative people
i'm a producerartist that writes songs, makes records, and does remixes and such.
i program a mean drum machine and can tweak the Fin S out of some knobs.
the minor prophets
the inside voices
the apostles of normality
comrades, clients, constituants, and collaberators...
i recorded erik's record and "played drums"+bass on it
akshay + desiderata
netflixxxxxx... you should be my friend. http://www.netflix.com/BeMyFriend/P6cB62gf4hRBBPivoep2i like jean pierre jenet, terry gilliam, tim burton, documenterys, music videos, sissy indie foreign films, and the like
i finally own one for the first time in 6ish years and it just sits in my room collecting dust because i have yet to hook it up to the cabel or buy a DVD player.... i can't say that's at the top of the "to do" list.
well seeing that i change books more then i change myspace i'll say my current leanings have been towards big art books because they have pretty pictures i can look at and not lots of hard words that i have to look up. that and i can move thru them really fast so i can go on about how many books i've gone thru, 38 last week to be precise... no reason, just thought i'd mention i'm better..smarter..hipper then you...
used to be great thinkers and revolutionarys but i think they're mostly musicians and composers now...as pathetic as that sounds...