Writing, beer, and just hanging out with the friends. travelin, music definately. Percussion of the jazz and progressive kind.
Neil Fallon, Gandhi, Jesus, Hitler, Da Vinci, Socrates, marilyn Manson, The wachoski Brothers, Anthony Hopkins, Dave Chappelle. George Carlin, Plato, Edward Norton Tons of people.
CLUTCH, Ratm, Frog Brigade, Primus, Manson, Soundgarden, Black sabbath, the doors, Pink Floyd. James Brown,Led Zeppelin, CCR, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, The Who, Phish, Peal Jam, Rob Zombie,The sword, Wolfmother, Cky, Monster Magnet, The band, Frank Zappa, Otis Redding, Muddy waters, Little richard, Hank williams, Johnny Cash I mean again tons of bands. I want to one day become the walking talking Vh1 Classic.
Fight Club, Matrix, Jarhead. One flew over the Cuckcoo's Nest, Seven, Half Baked, Supertroopers, Grandma's Boy, Any Kevin smith movie, Jesus man there is tons of movies I love, too many to list.
Family Guy, Simpsons, Viva La Bam, Mythbusters, Monster Garage, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Futurama, Anything history Channel, Reno 911, Chappelle Show, twilight zone.
Lotr, Stranger in a strange land, Matrix: The Philosphy, 1984, Animal Farm, Mein Kampf, The art of War.
Neil Fallon, Jesus, anyone blazing their own path in a world of followers