Ryan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Moving to LA this summer. Please find me and my wife an apartment.

My Interests

drinking coffee and bullshitting. jokes and bits. and skits. 'Skits' used to drive me crazy, and now I love that word. Seeing live music whenever possible. I like the movies and being outside, especially when it is warm. I enjoy a good cup of sarcasm.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who can teach me how to break dance. Also, Michael McDonald.


Prog Rock and Gangsta Rap.


Hana-bi, Touch of Evil, Stray Dog, Yojimbo, Dead Man, the Big Lebowski, Manhunter, Dawn of the Dead (original), Another Woman, Harvey, North Shore, 24 Hour Party People, Fletch, Zombi, The Thing, Escape from New York, Amateur, Miller's Crossing, Surviving Desire, Friday the 13th Part 2 or 3, I go back and forth on which one I think is better.


Dexter, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Wonder Showzen, I'm Alan Partridge, Space Ghost, Mr.Show, Arrested Development, Da Ali G show, Sealab 2021, Sopranos, Fifteen. And, OK, Battlestar Galactica.


I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, any Choose your Own Adventure that Packard wrote, barring "SuperComputer" which was awful. Martin Amis, Douglas Coupland, Denis Johnson, Kurt Vonnegut, Italo Calvino.


Steve Coogan, Takeshi Kitano, Orson Welles, and my brother.