Marissa profile picture


it's not crude to be nude on the sabbath.

About Me

believe the hype.I love being outdoors. I have a hard time sitting still. I love the ocean. I'm a natural redhead. I'm a cat person. I don't text. I've got a hot temper. I have a surplus of shoes but can't seem to part with a smelly ten year old pair of gray New Balances. I almost always fall asleep during movies. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, not one drag. I am in love with Maine- I've lived in several other places, but my heart is here- it's great to be home.Right now: Summer evenings on the prom, kombucha, sushi, red wine, picnics, slow food, road trips, antiquing,farmstands! real estate, earthships/ biotecture, bare legs and bruised knees, my kitties!

My Interests

fine dining. gardenias and lilacs. Autumn and Spring. Swedish/ Scandanavian Modern. Vintage watches and jewelry.

I'd like to meet:

People who want to be part of my entourage.


is an integral part of my life.


documentaries. Right now I want to see Off the Grid: life on the Mesa.




First editions only, please.


My Grandmother. Weston A. Price.