God, Traveling, MUSIC, Video Production, Music Production, Spinning Records, Dancing like there's no one watching, Concerts, Festivals, School, Sushi, Sleeping, Movies in the park, Theme parks with killer rollercoasters, The beach, Sunrises, Sunsets, Roller blading, S. Beach fever, Europe, Milk, Shopping, Art, My drill & tool box, DIY, Sitcoms & of course my Family & Friends.
The World...
I can appreciate & dig it all.
Guess by the following catch phrase's: "You just got knocked the f**k out!!!", "That was ajax??", "This will self destruct in 5 seconds", "I'll have what she's having", "I'm king of the world!!!", "Absolutely", "Dooooo ittttt", "dude... sweet... dude... sweet...", "and thennnn...", "Juliet!!!!", "You killed Kenny!!", and my all time favorite is grandma saying, "You still hit like a bitch, Motha' f**ka!"
Gotta have it....
The Bible
My family