What are my interests? hangin out with my friends, dancing music and by that i mean breakbeats (if you didnt get it the first time i said it...)money it makes my world go round fo-sure..it makes me very happy ;) hehehehe.. tattoos, beer(but i hate the next day)people cooking for me..going to the Winter music conferance in Miami(big fan) i like to travel and going to clubs hang-in out in onther towns. i wish i could do it more.i love my cat shes so funny and big and fat...my cell phone,txting..meeting new people..my computer if didnt have it i would die..flip-flops and baggy jeans..cartoons..cute boys..blah blah blah..ok i think you get it by now..
Im pretty jaded when it comes to my music... I love BREAkBEATS!!!!!!!!!
Cartoons are my fave fo-sure...