someone like mom YEAHHHHHHHH RIGHT lol gotta be like me but with a vagina lmao well i have a sence of humar a great deal for reality and when it aint looking ill throw a pie at reality's face doesnt let the big things bother her always there to be suportive always understanding knowing when there's a time for playing and a time for not playing respectful to the family but a seductive when we're alone Leting everyguy and girl knowing im her's and her's only! and Loves kids simple easy right! and trust me I will be more then what she ever wants
Ummmmmm i was a dj foor a long time and im a very good dancer so what ever your into im there
Movies well favorite actor Bruce willis anything he made i like buut i have a big library of movies so you pick one and ill get the pop corn & the motion lotion :) "wink"
TELEVISION? Yes i have 3 Televisions nosey bastard lol
PLAYBOY I really really trully do read them lmao
jesus is my hero any man who can get whiped cursed beat up accused of doing somthing he didnt do and drag a 300 pound cross up a mile hill and then get nailed to it WITHOUT GETTING MAD & FORGIVING EVERYONE he has gotta be hero