My interests are in the teachings of the ancient Celts and Druidism, along with Shammanic teachings. I am deeply in touch with my supreme being God, also finding great truth in all of nature, meditation, projecting of postive energies to those I love, blessed oils, the power of stones and crystals and being a true servant of our fellow man......I strive to be the best I can be, but fall short ,as do we all~I endeavor to be the best I can, and approach the world in peace and light.We are all seekers of the truth, and each must find their own path! src="http://i30.photobucket
I enjoy movies of all favorite time period being the medievil times. Lord of the Rings is my most favorite tale of ancient times, albeit a fantasy..I also love Tristen and Isolde,Excaliber,~any and all movies encompaassing the ancient times... Bram Stokers Dracula is a classic, filled with raw emotion,sensuality and power.....The Craft is still one of my all time favorites. I also love movies of real human interest moving..The Green Mile, Pay It Forward, Rent, A Walk To Remember, The name a few..... The classics, such as Jane Eyre, and my all time favorite Wuthering Heights the ulitmate love stories.
I have recently been introduced by a dear British friend to the author Bernard Cornwell- and have read with much pleasure the first two books of his trilogy on King Arthur....."The Winter King", "Enemy of God"...and am looking forward with anticipation to the 3rd, "Excaliber".......the depth of history and fact behind this historical writer is astounding....... As I stated earlier, I have begun to study many books relating to the ancient religious teaching of the Celts...being guided by one dear Darmock in my quest for knowledge.I am currently acquiring numerous books of study- among them "The 21 Lessons of Merlyn", "By Oak, Ash and Thorn", "Animal Magjick", "Advanced Celtic Shammanism", "Druid Magic","Druid Power",Anam Car~Celtic Angels" Elemental Magic", The Goddess Trilogy, Maiden,Mother,Crone"....and more.
My heros are those who affect others lives without any glamour or glory-just for the true humanity of giving...Also many of my patients and their families, who fight-long and hard to recover-to gain a quality of life-possibly not attainable-but they trudge on....never losing faith..I admire them for their loyalty and their love.....when others have given up. My heros are also those who battle physical and emotional disabilities-who manage to maintain a peace and happiness in life I envy and am also ashamed I could possibly never have. My heros are those who work to keep us safe....and free from harm-the unsung heros - those, whose monitary rewards are far far below the incredible gifts they give to society..God bless you all.