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WITCHY'S WIKKED GRAPHIXMy interests are my boys they are my life and my world. I am also interested in the paranormal there is a life after death I belive...Do you? Anything to do with wicca and last but not least my family and friends. I also like to do rubbings of the old tumb stones I find that they have so much beauty and detail in the art work.First off lets get this out of the way shall we? Yes I AM A WITCH. A Wiccan. It doesnt mean I worship Satan, or sacrifice small animals, doesnt mean I torture small children, cast vicious spells on people or that I walk around with warts and a huge hump on my back. It means I know all things in the universe are connected on a level we cant see and few understand. It means I love all creation and believe that what we give comes back on us, therefore try to harm none. It means I have a deep peace, a bigger understanding and I believe in the magic of oneself.
Free and Magickal Graphics by
Seether, Disturbed, Godsmack, 30 Secounds to Mars, My Chemical Romance, Depeche Mode, and Queensryche.
Well I have so many that I like but just to name a few... There is The Fog new and old one, I like The Loard of the Rings, Saw 2 and 3, and many more...
Well lets see my all time favorite is the series Ghost Hunters and the Deadliest catch. CSI Miami, Miami Ink, and something that they don't show anymore is FEAR on M.T.V... I also enjoy Saving Grace , The Closer , CSI Crime investgation ,& Crossing Jorden.....
The books i enjoy have to hold my intrest and have alittle of blood and gore in them. Also I like to read books that always keeps you guessing, also i enjoy my wiccan books as well.
Are my 3 boys they have been through so much in their lives and we never thought they would make it back to us and they did and now they lead happy healthy normal lives they are strong my babies and I'm so very proud of them.Then there is my mom she's been through so much in her life and she has over come them.Then there was my grandmother Anna Mae Naquin her husband passed away at an early age in his life and she was left to raise 7 kids all by herself. She did a wounderfull job on her family and I will miss her more than anyone would ever know. R.I.P. Maw Maw Anna Mae you touched so many lives including mine. Sunrise March 12th 1934 Sunset June 28th 2007