Maximus profile picture



About Me

Whats good yall. Thanks for droping in on your boi. You know the deal, everyone is doin this myspace thing and we holdin it down too...

Im hopin yall will enjoy learning a lil bit about me with what Ive put up on this thing so far, and to get to know a few things about what I've been up to an all that.

Most of you already know... SR is the founder and CEO of, and DMI Media Inc.

In any case, this is '07 fools. It's time to get your game right, and fo sho we gettin our king kong on this year - Doin it real big. With even bigger plans in the pipeline.

And with that, Im hopin to use this thing to get to know more about these people Ive added or will add as friends. You know, so long as there is some kind of hip hop swagger to your game, or if you are a fine lil thing, you know, I might try to holla at you, maybe get to know yall enough to really collab... We'll just have to see.

In the mean time, please enjoy listening to some tracks recently out of the oven. Underboss Records, thas what it is.

The Birth of a new dynasty, you've been advised.

My Interests

Interested in soooo many damn thangs It'll make your mind spin... in the very least... never idle... never bored... always doin somethin...

But the top of the list... Makin music... hittin up nightclubs... shows... pimpin in the whip... relaxin at home wit some flics... I cook too damnit... lol... holla back

Yall can use the AIM remote control pad below to holla at ya boi... so get at me if I'm online... We can talk right now... nah mean...

-- -- Begin AIM Remote --

I'd like to meet:

Name SR - AKA: "Skware Root" - It's a long story...
Hair Color Short - Fade cut - Dark Brown
Eye Color Green
Height 5'8"
Your Heritage Spanish and Italian - I'm like Rice and Beans Ala-vodka
Siblings Let's keep it focused. This is about me.
Your Best Friend Benjamin Franklin
Single Or Taken That depends on who's askin.
Do You Do Drugs lol. What is this an interogation?
Do You Drink Like a fish.
Color I like em white brown, yellow, Puerto Rican and Haitian. :0)
Food ...for thought
Boy Name what?
Girl Name Who?
Animal ... Yes I'm an animal.
Sport hmmm... I'm really not into fallin on the ground...
Have You Ever...
Smoked Oh yes.
Skinny Dipped Really, I've never done this.
Seen Your Crush Naked I crushed my crush naked.
Lied Only when neccesary.
Fallen For Your Best Friend Yeah, I'd do anything for $Ben$Franklin$
Been Rejected Yeah, I suppose so.
Rejected Someone LOL. No, Im a diplomat on these matters.
Done Something You Regret Yeah, take this survey.
Clothes My damn Boxers.
Music Hip Hop all day, right now, I got my man "barz" spinnin.
Smell snifffff... I smell like a damn bouquet of roses, shower fresh.
Fav. Band Dipset
Desktop Picture Blank, just like my mind on this one.
Annoyance Folks who waste my time with their bullshit drama.
Are You..
Understanding Understand this, I'm here for you.
Open-Minded Im into anything except that gay shit.
Interesting I'd like to think so.
Random Nothing random about me yall...
Moody Only when Im in a moody mood.
Organized Like a crime family.
Shy hmmm. I'm not too sure about that.
Difficult No, I'm a straight shooter. Difficulty is not a trait of mine.
Attractive Yall be the judge of that.
Obsessed only when it's time to make money.
Opposite Sex..
What Do You Notice First Tits and Ass tend to stand out. At least Im honest.
Best Eye Color Green.
Best Hair Color No preference. As long as you comb it.
Short Or Long Hair Long.
Best Height 5'7" or shorter.
Best Weight 120 round about.
Best Clothing Style Relaxed - Thuggish to Elegant.
Just Some Last Questions..
Last Movie You Have Seen At The Theatre Eragon
Fav. Cartoon Toy Story
What Did You Have For Breakfast Eggos - and OJ
Could You Live Without Your Computer Only if I hire someone to deal with it for me.
Do You Dye Your Hair Never that.
Who Makes You Laugh The Most Mary J. Juana
Do You Wish You Were Younger No... I'm just getting good.
Do You Have Any Crushes Yes
Do You Like Highschool Didnt really.
Do You Want To Get Married Um, I'll plead the 5th on that.
What Are Your Thoughts On Love I love the thought.
Number Of Times Your Heart Has Been Broken 1
Do You Get Along With Your Parents Ummmm, I guess, so long as I dont have to live with them.
Do You Cuss Like a muthafuckin truck driver.
Do You Ever Wish You Had Another Name I do, Also Known As: Maximus
Number Of Close Friends 10
Have You Ever Had A Crush On A Teacher Yes, havent we all.
Have Any Tatoos No ink for me.
Do You Have A Secret People Would Be Surprised By Oh yes.
Are You A Virgin Oh no.
What Theme Does Your Room Have Classic, middle America meets thugged out rapper.
How Do You Feel Right Now Concerned about how long this damn survey is.
Whats One Of Your Bad Qualities I dont trust many people.
Whats One Of Your Good Qualities I dont trust many people.
Last Time You Cried In School what?
For Or Against Long Distance Relationships It all depends, what kind of distance we talkin about.
Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex Ummm, nope.
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight Yes.
Favorite Thing In Your Room Mind your damn business.
Your Nickname(s) SR - Skware Root - Maximus - Petey Pete... The End.


Hip Hop


Some fucking bruce lee... Death touch type shizzzzzzzzzzzz...

Bruce is the fucking king pin of whoooooop ass


Hip Hop

Whats Good people. It's ya boi, SR, still cookin em up. Thanks for droppin by. So while you are here, Im hopin we can develope things a lil nah mean. Especially if yall are feelin the music we bringin, or if your somehow interested in - or involved in the game one way or another.
Use the form below to get ur comment on. Peace. SR

erase this & leave ur linez here...

My Blog

Mighty Max in your area...

Figured it was time to drop one of these damn blog things...  Being yall seem to be doin the damn thang... Today is just another day in the life of the king pin...  hoping to end my sufferri...
Posted by Maximus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST