badboykittie profile picture



About Me

I rescued my owners in 1993 from a life of loneliness, void of meaning and fur people. I'm 17 yet I am really 14, which makes me really old but I can still get it up. I live in a harem with 4 slaves. Two humans who feed me, love me, talk to me, and scoop my doodie, and two feline females for me to play with. I know some of you may be thinking that vasectomies are bad but I seem to do just fine with mine. Chica Diabla was my first girl kitty, she is a little schizo, she talks to much and is obsessed with running water, we have a thing going on. Little Girl, my other girl kitty is 19 pounds and super fluffy. My human shaves her like a lion because she can't reach her button, when I am sick of Chica I turn my affection to her. My human girl Toni is crazy, she has new pet names for me every week. This week I am Gorgeous George. I was previously Boo, Booskittie and occasionally Moo. As you can tell she thinks I am an angel. I do light up her life. When we first met though, I hated her venitian blinds, it was my mission to destroy them at 4 in the morning, that is how I got my name. I came from a broken home and Toni took me in cause she loved my white spot, and 7 months later she got me Chica. But really, I am quite a stud!!

My Interests

Talking to my humans and dominating my females, although sometimes I wonder if they have something on me. Putting my button in your face.

I'd like to meet:

tracy ullman, the man on the quaker oats box, and dr. phil.


my slave toni's band: bellylove


Salem, Felix, Boo Boo Kittie, Choco-Cat, The Pink Panther, and Toonces-that cat has a car damn it.

My Blog

I'm a cat..

My human lives vicariously through my felineness.  She manages this page for me.  She is under strict instruction to only allow feline and canine friends to be added.  Some hot chicks a...
Posted by badboykittie on Thu, 31 May 2007 01:07:00 PST


The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird/things/habits about yourself" and kitties who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. ...
Posted by badboykittie on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 12:25:00 PST

the thing about being a cat

is we don't have to be political. 
Posted by badboykittie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Mr. Poopular!!

Posted by badboykittie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Mom thinks I am a pisser

That is be beauty of having 2 sisters, she can't prove it, and even better she still adores me. MRRRAWWW
Posted by badboykittie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean had to go, his attitude was not appropriate to some in our household. My mom is unhappy about it but I told her Mawwrr Raaa
Posted by badboykittie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


My mom's are nuts, they are bringing home a freakin Chihuahua today. I'm gonna eat it and then I'm never gonna speak to my moms again.
Posted by badboykittie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST