the woman pictured above is none other than the love of my life, she makes everything worth it, 1337 to the core, i love you Kate - i know i know, ill shut up now, here are a few things that keep me busy on the daily. - playing guitar, playing guitar in the bass octave, writing music, mixing music, listening to music, writing raps, fucking around with the " um tis um tis um tis" catching a fucking pattern here? I love to draw, although i cannot fuck shit up like i used to. I also really dig reading, comics ,graphic novels, comic books, Autobiographys, all that trill shit. I am also fascinated with the post apocalyptic future( aka Shadowrun ) and I believe in Dragons and Magic Missles ( aka Dungeons & Dragons ) yeah, im a nerd, Represent Your Click Motherfucker.
Slayer Bigwig BadReligion Bodyjar NOFX COB Alkaline Trio Pantera Down Milencolin DieselBoy Guttermouth Longfellow Blount GoodRiddence NerfHerder Strung-Out SummersEnd TheStryder Snapcase Unearth NIN Metallica PigDestroyer SleepTerror 88FingersLouie StrikeAnywhere RATT Bon-Jovi MOTLEY-CRUE TheMisfits Pennywise TheVandals Dragonforce SacredSteel Venom Megedeth Longfellow NoUseForAName RKL Spice1 PimpC BunB BrothaLynchHung Dokken - ok, here is the thing, i like a bunch of stuff to much to list actually, i like music that makes my wrist itch as well, sometimes, oh yeah, fuck you