niki. profile picture


geddupgeddup lethagoooootiiiimesrooolll

About Me

im niki. i study contemporary art at the university of leeds. dont ask me to paint you a picture. i like sculpture and printmaking, basically because its what im best at. theres something awfully satisfying about beating a sheet of metal with a hammer to make something that looks pretty. im only in first year, despite being 21. yeah yeah, so i took a while to decide what i want to do with myself, what of it? i made a good choice in the end though, i love it here. im still finding my feet, but ive met some amazing people and had some brilliant times so far. the next few years will be gooduns, hopefully. i drink too much and study too little. but we're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time. i love fun. whats there not to love about fun?
i like music a fair bit too. im not ashamed of the fact that i dig pop punk and probably be a total arse if i only liked punk rock and hardcore anyway. i appreciate most things that evoke some kind of reaction or provoke thoughts. songs that make me dance are the best kind of songs. im not a fan of music snobs, im very aware that my tastes arent the only ones that count. i have big holes in my ears and a couple of tattoos. i find it hugely offensive when people say "ooh, youll regret that when youre older". well no actually, i wont. im not a twat, i didnt have something put on my body that im going to regret in 40 years time. at least when i have sagging skin, itll be sagging skin with a bit of character.
i enjoy good nights in and good nights out, weekends away, cherry lambrini and lush food. i dont enjoy early mornings, not finishing what ive started, being poor or inconsiderate people. i have all the time in the world for my family and my real friends. theyre the people who matter the most, innit.
generally, im a nice bird.

My Interests

things that are cool this week - days off work, sewing machines, sunshine days, being the favourite child, rad dudes singing rad songs, summery singalong songs, impending holidays.things that arent cool this week - being poor, having loads to do, exam/deadline stress, missing leeds, ages to wait until holidays, getting bloody nowhere with anything.


favourites - alexisonfire, the lawrence arms, small brown bike, the explosion, pretty girls make graves, ima robot, city & colour, billy bragg, the loved ones, set your goals, yeah yeah yeahs.this week - jamie t, minus the bear, lady sov, the specials, rival schools, hit the lights. summertime tunes are ace.


mindless ones for now, please.


american idol. thats pretty much all. oh, until new peep show starts.


tracy emin books are mint.

My Blog

weekly blog 6 being replaced with mega photoblog about my amazing weekend of massive fun

last week was rubbish until friday, so i dont need to go into any of that. all you need to know is about this weekend. the actual best weekend of the year so far and its gonna be a bit hard to top it....
Posted by niki. on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:03:00 PST

weekly blog 5. this is starting to get old.

another week down. thankfully. im still pretty homesick, and now ive only got 18 days until im back. brrrrrrrrap.Monday i have genuinely no idea what i did. im pretty sure it involved a lot of nothing...
Posted by niki. on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:48:00 PST

weekly blog 4. as if tom made it easy to put in pictures! 347563 kudos.

this week was a weird one. it started really really horrible but has wound up pretty good. last saturday i was still in a rubbish mood. i was dead homesick and i missed all my friends loads. i spent...
Posted by niki. on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:04:00 PST

weekly (week and a bit, whatever) blog 3

the past couple of weeks have been busy busy. dead good though. last tuesday i went out with neemz. i should learn not to go out with her because it always ends in vomit. drinks in fab, being asked if...
Posted by niki. on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 10:50:00 PST

weekly blog 2

weekly blog time. check me out, keeping up with routine.last week was a good week. gash tuesday was pretty gash, i had to stay in uni til the bitter end of studio practise. 9-3 is killer, especially w...
Posted by niki. on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 02:35:00 PST

glasgow, taste of chaos, meeting my lover

I just had one of the best weekends of my life. What do I do to combat the depressing aftermath that is reality? I write a blog about it, obv!I went to Glasgow to see miss Amy, the 4 and a half h...
Posted by niki. on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:06:00 PST

coming home.

so ive spent this weekend in belfast, for my birthday. first time ive been home in almost 2months. nothings changed. friday was spent with my mommy and aunties and cousins, having nice birthday lunch ...
Posted by niki. on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 05:41:00 PST

words of wisdom

so i cant even begin to muster the desire to write about my trip. its safe to say i had a great time and my relatively newfound hatred for 'home' has only been amplified. i think this is a good thing....
Posted by niki. on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 05:38:00 PST