My Dark R'n'R past.. Me and my fellow members of Headbutt, ripping it up (literally) this time at Camden Falcon, circa 1992. Needless to say we were banned from ever playing there again.. And to paraphrase the Cr@ss: "Banned from the Falcon OK. We didn't wanna play there anyway.."Hahaha :) These days I take pics, in between making websites and vice versa.
I have been doing this cubist-esque form of photography, first made famous by David Hockney since I was a teenager, though I never even knew who David Hockney was until much much later. All it really is, is a kind of drawing, a way of sketching what I see.
I am a graphic designer and photographer, I live and work in Central London. I am a visiting Lecturer at The University College of the Creative Arts in Kent both in Lens Based Media and Visual Communication.If you want to see some work, have a look at my myspace blog or go here:
My much neglected PhotoBlog on Blogspot for older work.
Or here: My Flickr photo stream where my more recent work is.
and also: coming soon..
I like: rock n roll, big hair and eating italian. In fact I like eating most things. Old guitars and cameras. But not eating old guitars and cameras.
94% of my friends are actually really people I know and talk to.
35% of my "friends" are bands
30% of my friends in bands are in bands who are my "friends"
17.5% of my mates bands make music I don't like very much.
14% of my friends were, or are strippers.
6% of my friends are bands who I never heard of before who sent me a friend request.
8% of my friends make films for a living.
0.8% write porno for a living.
11% are students.
12% of my friends live in another country.
2% of my friends I agreed to add purely on the strength of their profile pic.
27% Of the non friends I added was because I wanted to take their picture.
1% of my friends is a total stranger who is now a friend tho we never actually met
By the way.. I made this up although in spirit it is correct..