Fall 2004- October 5th we played our first show and released our first 3 song demo.
Winter 2004-05- Embarked on our first east coast/midwest tour with friends The Spark for 2 weeks.
Spring 2005- East coast tour with friends No Idols. May 05 released 7" EP "What Could Possibly Go Right..." through Firestarter and Gravemistake Records.
Summer 2005- Headed out on our first US tour, half of which was with Day of the Dead from Portugal, replaced our transmission twice on this tour. Came home realizing we would need a new drummer. Joe Red was later replaced by Joey Edwards. He played his first show in July, 2 weeks after having started practice with us. Ended the summer by signing with 1917 Records.
Fall 2005- Recorded 2 songs for a split with Day of the Dead due to come out on Vendetta records in the Winter of that year. Released the CD version of "What Could Possibly Go Right..." on 1917 Records. Hit the road with Dead Hearts from October to November for 2 weeks in support of that record on the east coast and midwest.
Winter 2005-06- Headed out on another US tour with Final Fight from December 27th- January 29th. Came home to continue writing for our LP. Split with DOTD came out just in time for us to get home from tour...bummer.
Summer 2006- Toured for 2 months straight with Counting the Days, Final Fight and Killing the Dream from June 2nd to August 4th. Came home to continue writing for LP.
Fall 2006- First European tour from October 20th to November 20th. We played 10 Countries in 31 days.
Winter 2007-January 17th we began recording our first LP for what we thought was for 1917 records. When completed on January 28th we realized that was not the case. Due to some personal reasons we parted ways with 1917 Records. In March we announced that we were thrilled to have signed with Bridge 9 Records.
Spring 2007- After sitting at home for a pretty long time we hit the road for a few days with Sinking Ships.
Summer 2007-June 16th we held the CD release show for our first LP Prepare To Be Let Down. Bad Business (reunion), Pulling Teeth, How We Are and Brain Dead all took part in the event. June 19th that LP was available in stores. June 24th we started our summer tour with Pulling Teeth. Only about 3 weeks into the tour our van began to have some problems. Over the course of 5 days the van cost us over $5000. We had no choice but to rent a Uhaul and head home.
FALL 2007-Went to Europe with Sinking Ships from September 14th to October 14th. We played 10 countries in 30 days. We arrived home for 1 week and restarted tour on October 22nd. The first week was with Modern Life is War concluding at THE FEST 06. However MLIW had to head home early and we spent the next week with Hour of The Wolf. After a delightful time with those 5 guys we headed west, north west and then back east. Concluding in a 11 hour drive home for Thanksgiving.
WINTER 2007-08- We head out on the road for a full US tour with Killing The Dream and Broadway Calls from December 27th to January 27th. Heading out with This is Hell, Elysia and Soldiers for another full US from February 22nd to March 22nd.
USA- [email protected]
EUROPE- [email protected]
Bridge 9 Records -Will release our first LP "PREPARE TO BE LET DOWN" on June 19th!
1917 -Released CD/EP of What Could Possibly Go Right...
Firestarter Records -Co-Released What Could Possibly Go Right... On 7"... Also home of The Spark, Never Enough and others
Grave Mistake Records -The other half of the release of W.C.P.G.R. Home of 86 Mentality, Cloak/Dagger and other awesome bands.
Vendetta Records -Awesome label from Germany. Released the split 7" with DOTD
Burn Bridges Records -Steve from Ruiner’s label. Home to bands such as Hostages, Pressure, Deathcycle and more. Re-releasing the split 7" with Day of the Dead March 2007