Okay so since the NOT so charming myspace employees obviously do not understand English, Latin, Italian, German, Russian, Polish, Spanish, French nor Flemish I have given up trying to delete this thing. No, wait, I have it...THEY ARE ALL FRIGGIN' NYY FANS!!! Ass clowns, I swear! GO SOX!!!
Anywho do NOT expect any updates or whatnot. I have my own webspace for ALL of that which I laaahve to itty bitty pieces [Sidenote: the url would be www.highsassiety.com].
This is basically just a random collection of 'friends' so I can keep in touch with the masses since I seem to lose phone numbers, emails, and snail mail addresses daily... [Sidenote: I have 'randomized' my friends list so no one can bitch about what number they are. If you do not like your spot than refresh/F5 and maybe you will like your new one!]
Oh and if you send me a message, friend request, etc. it might take a while for me to get back to you since I no longer have access to the email address associated with this crappy thing so whenever I think about signing on randomly I will respond and/or add ya if I think you're worthy ;] Want a faster response? Then email me...duh...