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About Me

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My Interests

Helping put out a fire in Gville, USA

The Amazing Monty!

Sarla and I gettin it on at Opa!

Gettin ready for in?

I'd like to meet:

Ok here we go...well according to my father I came about on a cool winter's night during the9th inning of a Yankees game! I guess something happened when my father flipped the gameon *smirk* and then 9 months later WHAM here I am! :)I'm a pretty cool guy I think. I'm probably the nicest person you'll come across so saymy friends. I really don't judge people and will always be there to listen if need be. Itamazes me sometimes the world we live in. I’ve met some interesting people in my life.A few years ago I had an assignment to do a news story for a class. I went downtownand spent the day with a homeless person learning about their life and his day-to-daystruggle to survive. What saddened me was that as we walked down the street, therewere many people who would not even make eye contact with him. It was as though hewas an outcast or something. I firmly believe that in God’s eyes we all have perfect wings.It’s true that sometimes our actions dictate the situations and trials of life we endure.Sometimes, however, we have no choice for the trials we must face. This homeless manhappened to be a Vietnam veteran who came back to a country that didn’t care about him
and really didn’t have a place for him. Don’t you love when someone says, “hey man don’ttalk to that guy/girl cause they are drama.” Hey, we all have drama! Unless you havebeen blessed with a perfect life, most of us have ‘baggage’ and drama. Some of us morethan others. Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, so just enjoy life for what it isand stop wasting time judging people and just give them a chance ..I think it would be veryboring to have friends who were all the same. Every person has something unique about them.There is a big difference between someone who has baggage and someone who is cold-hearted.I welcome anyone in my life as long as you have a good heart and don’t have a cold soul.I really enjoy meeting new people and experiencing new things in life. I've had the fortune ofmeeting some really interesting people along the journey… you know what they say ‘friendsare just strangers you haven’t met yet.” I hope it’s true…

Do you like traveling? Cause I sure do!! Someday I’m going to travel the world. It’s nota question of hoping I will. The question is when, not if J

What I will say though is don't be a fake..seriously, what I don't care for is for fake peoplewho are liars and get pleasure off of hurting others. If you say something to someone whetherit's "hey, you're a nice person" or "hey, you're cute", "you're my friend" or even "hey, I love you"just please mean it when you say it.. sometimes feelings are hard to understand believe me Iknow, but don't be deceptive. There are those out there who get some kind of pleasure beingcold and heartless... I don't quite understand why, but they are that way. I’m not Pinocchio andI’m not a puppet so if you’re going to try to be my friend or what not, then be honest with yourheart and be honest with what comes out of your mouth. I’ve met some heartless people in mylife that pretend to be your friend then end up getting pleasure in treating you like crap. I’m overthat. Judge Judy once said, “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” So I say the same..just be honest. I want to have good people in my life, people who care and that have heart.I very much believe in what goes around comes around so.. just be nice and don’t be rude.Some of my closest friends have told me that I ask to get hurt cause I always give people thebenefit of the doubt. I have my heart on my sleeve.. in my heart I believe that all people areawesome.. so don't prove me wrong.. I just think there are just wayyyyyyy too many coldhearted people in this world. If everyone would just be nice to one another you'd be surprisedhow peaceful this world would be :) I'm also a very passive person, but I can pounce if I’mcornered.. Now that I'm off my soapbox :)…

Like I said I'm probably the nicest guy you'll meet. I love going hiking, running, movies,shooting pool, hanging out with friends, etc. etc. I have done everything from sky diving tomountain climbing so the sky is the limit :) hmm I think I would even try Fear Factor!..anyone want to partner up with me? or how about the Amazing Race? lol.. I love marine life too and can't wait to set up my salt water tank again..that was awesome.. If I’ve comeacross as an ass in all this writing don’t take it that way. I just want to meet awesomepeople, but I don’t want to surround myself with liars and cold hearted people that’s all.

I would hope that if you view this page and want to say hello please do so.. I love meetingnew people so don't be afraid..i don't bite..
Drop me a line..hope to hear from ya... In the meantime and between time that's all fornow.. PEACE

Who I'd like to meet:

Always love to make new friends..who knows maybemeet that special person..I and my heart thought I had met that person, but meh whoknows.. so maybe love is true, i'd hope so.. I value my friends and loved ones a lot sofeel free to hit me a message or something.. I think friends add so much to someone'slife..i'm grateful for all my friends that I have. They give me so much to be thankful for :)


"Hineh mah tov umah na 'im

Shever achim gam yachad..."



Frequency, The Patriot, Field of Dreams, Europa! Europa!


Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU, Real Time w/Bill Mahr, anything with the Discovery Channel or National Geographic


- I would have to say of course the men and women abroad kickin butt and defending our freedom and defending those abroad..we sure are proud of you!!

- Do you know who Erik Weihenmayer is? Well he's the only person in the world to climb Mount Everest completely 100% blind. At 29,035 ft he reached the top of the world..his dream complete.. It shows us that ANYTHING is possible in life if you have the desire and the determination! It's nice to know that in life dreams really do come true... -

- Pain is merely weakness leaving the body... -