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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About the author:
John Preston Bundy sprung from the loins of his loving mother at the end of a most pleasant April in the foul year of our Lord of nineteen hundred and seventy-nine. A healthy, happy, and curious child, John had grown quite accustomed to the moustache of his father Randy, the tender embrace of his mother Susan, and in the meantime had developed a liking to a red leather rocking chair that was fixed in the living room of a quaint and comfortable home. The small Southern community provided warmth and kindness for this boy's coming of age. Swimming pools, covered-dish suppers, bike rides at dusk, and overgrown fields provided a script for a glorious childhood. John's marks were always above average - some even considered him a gifted lad. High hopes dwindled above his head, and a bright and soaring future could be seen in the distance.
As this child grew, a mischievious darkness followed him. Not an evil darkness, but one of curiosity and question. He was always a good boy, but teen-aged angst and rebellion followed suit. Once a boyscout and attendee of Sunday school, this child developed a train of thought unlike most, but not far enough removed from the rest to flag concern. A self-declared fatalist at an early age, John continued to reject the necessity for relationships and the rules of the established. Although his parents became concerned, they knew their child had a plan and was in fact controlling his own destiny. The boy took a liking to the wonders of music, and soon became inclined in said field. Alas! Direction!
His marks throughout his educational career remained high. As his collegiate education came to an end, the blueprint of his life was questioned once again. Although the train had not derailed, it had come to a hault for the time being. The following six years (and counting) seemed to be a blur of independent retail (principles, my good man), creating music compositions in the company of comrades, revelry, and adventure. The hedonistic philosophy seemed to provide the key to happiness. John remains a positive and caring person to this day while masking it with a tough exterior. A life of adventure has provided him with an opportunity to meet and interact with some amazing folk - John would refer to them as 'real people' - those with nothing to prove to those around them, only to themselves. The people that are close to him are deeply loved and respected. Although some may doubt his stance, this unkempt and seemingly shy individual has discovered the meaning of life through simple means.
And to John, Godspeed! We wish you luck dear boy with the life that you have created for yourself. We raise our glasses towards the sky.

My Interests

The South (where my heart remains), North Carolina, Rock and roll, dual-guitar leads, being a dude, adventure, hitting up shows, happy hour, writing music, listening to records, bike enthusiasm, tattoos, hockey fights, spitting, pocket knives, profanity, sitars, Fender Rhodes, playing bass, Budweiser, pints of beer, Wild Turkey, flannel shirts, long underwear, muscle cars, motorcycles, thunderstorms, dive bars, activities in the rain, building and designing, mythology, motocross, conversion vans, Polaroids, climbing trees, rooftops and water towers, fresh fruit and vegetables, cooking, meditation, drinking coffee, robes and slippers, the great outdoors, solitude, positivity, camping, hiking, the ocean, exploration (urban and otherwise), perseverance, fasting, will power, growing facial hair, astronomy, the color red, comic books, biographies and autobiographies, warships, necessary revenge, axe-throwing, inhabiting islands, toppling governments, chivalry, honor, the 1960s and 1970s, WW2, the Vietnam War.

I'd like to meet:

Comrades!, kind and modest souls that enjoy the solitude of a dark and quiet bar, any woman who will fight me and win (and then make out to Black Sabbath) people who know when to shut the fuck up, prostitutes who accept rolls of quarters, and...


Psychedelic, Doom, Drone, Black Fucking Sabbath, Comets on Fire, early-mid 70's metal, outlaw country, 60's soul, surf, black metal, math rock, and dirty, sleazy rock and roll.


The Holy Mountain, Gummo, Julien Donkey-Boy, The Proposition, Man Bites Dog, Street Trash, Jackass, Black Sabbath Live in Paris 1970, band documentaries, gore, slashers, war, western, kung-fu theater, 70's action movies, shitty horror, general pornography.


I'm no better than you.
I just don't care to watch it.


Gimme. I'll read the shit out of 'em.


Geezer Butler and Cliff Burton.

My Blog

The Complete Lowlife Guide To Dining: 'Cafe Risque' Reviewed

Curiosity tends to get the better of me.Recently, I took the opportunity to dine at North Carolina's Café Risqué. Located off of exit 70 on Interstate 95, this fine establishment provides a 24-hour ...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:37:00 PST

The Bike Pirate Chronicles: New York Underground

Now, it's a possibility that I'm tooting my own horn, but I'd like to think that I've become an urban explorer of sorts. If nothing else, I've developed quite a fascination for investigating sites of...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Sun, 28 May 2006 01:26:00 PST

Dear Cracker Barrel, Go Fuck Yourself...

If you've ever traveled on a major interstate in the South or East coast for that matter, I'm sure you've recognized the Cracker Barrel logo on the big blue 'Food' signs. Exit after exit, mile after m...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Mon, 01 May 2006 05:37:00 PST

The Bike Pirate Chronicles: Abandonment Issues

I've always had this obsession with being places I shouldn't. When I was growing up, there was an abandoned hospital across the street from my elementary school. I was amazed by this gigantic structu...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 07:49:00 PST

The Bike Pirate Chronicles: Howdy Doody

Thursday night seemed ordinary enough. Once again Charles and I met for an evening trek, being the adventurous sports that we are. The plan was to travel into Dumbo and explore a river-side park under...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 04:35:00 PST

The Bike Pirate Chronicles: Hail to the Thief

New York never ceases to amaze me. While resting on a recent bike riding journey, my partner in crime Charles Brown and I witnessed an incredible feat. More like an attempt, but a feat in my book none...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:44:00 PST

New York Ghosts and Flowers Part 2

Ever think about hating the Polish? Me either. I've actually thought of myself as sympathetic towards them. I don't know, being first on Hitler's shit list really did it for me. It's safe to say they ...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 07:47:00 PST

New York Ghosts and Flowers Part 1

I've been putting this one off, but here it goes... Well, I've lived in Brooklyn for 5 weeks, and I gotta tell you, I love it. I had a notion that New York would swallow me whole. Wilmington is the bi...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 05:19:00 PST

The disadvantages of advertising a house party for 2 months on the internet (V 2.0)

In my initial documentation of Saturday, February 4th's 'Last Great House Party Ever', I played the role of the optimist. My sincerity was factual to those that I praised and thanked. My sincerity reg...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 12:23:00 PST

Hunger Strike

Day three is completed. I've been fasting for three days now. My goal is two weeks. Two weeks of not eating. When that's up, we'll see how I feel. I might keep going.Why am I doing this? It obviously ...
Posted by Bunderstorm on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 07:32:00 PST