Disko D profile picture

Disko D


About Me

I drum for the funk band CALUMET. You can find us online at calumetmusic.com.
Some other groups/bands/musicians I have drummed with/in are: Ktel and the Jeff Effect, The Phunk Junkeez, Jed's A Millionaire, George Benson, Alice Cooper, George Zajacek, Hand Five, The Brothers Gak, Dislocated Styles, and various other studio projects. I like music, musicians, and people that like to be involved with music.
If you are a promoter - Don't Bother Me!

My Interests

Rock N' Roll - Enough said there.

I'd like to meet:

God. I've got tons of questions.


Zappa, Rundgren, Tubes, James Brown, Slave, anything with Bozzio, all of the Beatles, Sythesizers, Tube Amplifiers, AKAI, Devo, The Clash, The Damned, Hollow-body Electrics, Samplers, Drum Machine innovations, Daft Punk, Earth Wind and Fire, David Bowie, Faith No More, Primus, Elvis and Scotty Moore, Brian Setzer, Soul Singers, Distortion used properly, George Clinton, Johnny "Guitar" Watson, Steve Arrington, Fishbone, King Crimson, Reverb, Surf Guitars, Fingerpickin', The Allman Brothers, Public Enemy, Morris Day, Duane Eddy, Scotty Moore, Dayton Funk, Dag, Ministry, Herbie Hancock, George Duke, Nile Rogers and anything he has touched in the 70's and 80's, Trevor Horn (ditto), anything and everything cool. Couple of Newer Bands I dig: The Killers, Placebo, Mars Volta, The Darkness


Zucker Brothers, Terrantino Movies, The Farrelly Brothers, B Movies, Cult Movies......


Go Suns!


I can't read.


Fuck Tha Police!