Pow, lip gloss (it's more of an addiction) and picking my lips, playing flippy cup with vodka, getting lap dances from Margaret, throwing potluck/dance parties, the smell of mendhi, people-watching, wearing heels in the house, traveling, putting make-up on when i'm bored, wearing big obnoxious earrings, photography, eating with my hands, and tailgating!!!
Since my ipod can't hold a charge and I'm in India, i'm forced to listen to cheezy indian music with lyrics like "my heart flutters when I look deep into the ocean of your eyes and see your love shine through". Just shoot me in the face
love em
I hate to admit this, but I love reality tv. All it takes is one episode, and then i'm hooked. I also like the daily show, colbert report, family guy, and my new thing is grey's anatomy. wow. This makes me sound like all I ever do is watch tv.
Ma and Pops