Psychology, Philosophy, Martial Arts, and Politics.
Bad Mother Fuckers!
Anything except New Country and New R&B.
Enter the Dragon, Yojimbo, Blazing Saddles, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Silence of the Lambs, Fight Club, Ong Bak Thai Warrior, Blues Brothers, All Sergio Leonne Man With No Name flicks, Slingblade, basically I love movies.
Kung Fu, House, Law & Order(all of them), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, UFC reality show, Wrestling (to my own unrelenting shame), Chappelle Show, Firefly, Any Poker Show, City Confidential, Saterday Night Live, Sea Lab 2021, My Name is Earl, Monty Python, Cracker
The Tao, The Art of War, Persons, Behaviors, and the World, The Book of Five Rings, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, anything by Terry Pratchett, The Book, Become What You Are, The Way of Zen, Zen Flesh and Zen Bones, Hagakuri, anything by Stephen King, Hero's Die by Matthew Stover
Bruce Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Lao Tsu, Gus Hanson, Akira Kurasawa, Robert K. Ressler, Sean Connery