Karma is a bitch but was a burden worth bearing profile picture

Karma is a bitch but was a burden worth bearing

Real talk... If you try an fail then find your succession in the values an experiences you gain from

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas€™ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I have always wondered what is the orgin of an unfresh individual? How is it that people can be afford luxuries far beyond what I or anyone I grew up with and yet don't posses the common decensy to present themselves in a fashionable manner? This single solitary reason is why the brotherhood of brothers like myself exist solely to fulfill the visual and physical desires of the women that these inadament soles so wilfully neglect. We are the elite few entities that understand the delicate process of fulfilling your deepest desire that only your physical subconcious even knows exists and I AM HIM and he is all that follow in my way...Showoff 2BE1ASK1 If everyday in your life you attempted to immaculate an individual such as myself then you would die knowing that you tried your best

My Interests

Whats good world Showoff here a.k.a Show. Hows he get a name like that first you have to be a step better than the rest. Superiorly fresh always dressed to impress. In everything you do you have to be better than any and all competition. You can not denounce yourself as a Showoff the public has to thrust you into such a position. You walk in a room unknown and everybody is looking like you are the boss, and its true. Remember this is a position that cannot be taught by oneself even you are born with it or someone bestows the gift....2BE1ASK1

I'd like to meet:

I've always wanted to be me when I grow up maybe I'll be that lucky... Isn't to be Show every mans dream and isn't it all sane womens fantasy


In science there is a principle called Occam's razor stating that when presented with competing theories to explain a natural phenomenon one adopts the least elaborate so I will keep it simple I am the Truth cause I am from Birmingham and my name is Show


Grandma's Boy, Half Baked, Mallrats, Supertroopers, The Last Dragon, Killa Season, John Tucker Must Die, SCARFACE, Talledega Nights, Harlem Nights, Naked Mile, VanWilder, etc...


Law and order, CSI, Family Guy, Futurama, and King of The Hill


I am currently writing my autobiography but until it's completion the DaVinci code is my favorite book


Superman ain't have no hero and I wreckon that I won't either... Hell if I wasn't me I'd wish that I was

My Blog

What is he?

Whats good world Showoff here.  Hows he get a name like that first you have to be a step better than the rest.  Superiorly fresh always dressed to impress.  In everything you do you hav...
Posted by Karma is a bitch but was a burden worth bearing on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 09:09:00 PST