Playing in the holosuite with Miles (our favorite programs involve spy games, the alamo, world war one pilots), Darts, tennis, racketball, medicine, science, Kookalaka (my teddy bear), having sex with everyone, drinking, getting people drunk so I can take advantage of them, drinking games with Miles, having sex with Jake Sisko since he's better in bed than his dad, pining over Dax, trying not to get my ass kicked by Worf, asking Data questions about his hair, etc.
Anyone who wants to have sex with me... male, female, alien, I don't care, as long as they're hot and/or good in bed.
Vic Fonatine all the way (Miles and I go on dates to see him), Barry White ('cause it's good love makin music), the soothing sounds of all my high-tech medical gadgets, any precious sounds that escape from Miles' beautiful lips, especially whilst he looks into my eyes, damn, I'm good.
Not so much movies as holosuite programs, especially those I share with Miles. I do like James Bond movies though, because he's my inspiration to keep on being sexy, spying, and spreading my love juices.
Growing Pains
Gray's Anatomy, medical journals, the Kama Sutra, books on Tantra... I'm hot.
Khan Noonien Singh, and Miles O'brien of course.