Seeking the truth! I love learning and reasoning about the truth. Knowing that there are two truths the ABSOLUTE TRUTH and my own. (hints there are approx. 6.6 billion truths) Only the ABSOLUTE TRUTH matters. So I have been seeking and searching to uncover the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Finally after a 5 year search, the pieces are coming together. All glory to our Heavenly Father and Mother.
My heavenly Father and Mother, all of my heavenly brothers and sisters, and all the hosts of heaven
New Song
Bad For You
Bible, The Mysteries of God and the Spring of the Water of Life, Visitors from the Angelic World, Sermon Book, Apocrypha, Urantia, Gita, Third life of Grange Copeland, Let Me Live, Catcher in the Rye, and a host of others.
My Heavenly Father and Mother (spiritual parents), and My Father and Mother on Earth (physical parents).