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Nella Jones

-Sure, we take our self interests in mind when we vote. There's nothing wrong with that. but those i

About Me

Graduation, University Of California, San Diego June 2005 Bachelors of SCIence, Molecular BiologyBlack Graduation...I made it Happen...I did this project!....This is what we do...Smile!Anthing is possible...
Read it Think about it, Understand it!

"We will only truely be free the day politics become a mission rather than a business""No human made object is of serious importance..."" Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.""I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying. There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.""No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the contents of your character"There is nothing in all the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity, you have a moral responsibility to be intelligent.

My Interests

My Interests....Family Culture Fitness Investing Learing how to increase my Tax Rebate Reading Politics Renewable Energy Fashion STOCK BEYONCE CARTER CNN Traveling Current Events Barack Obama shopping The 2008 Election The Periodic Table DNA My Man And Me...

Why I choose Obama in 08""...
Dr. King did not take us to the mountain top so that we would allow a terrible storm in New Orleans to ravage thoughs who were stranded in the valley, and I am certain that 9 children did not walk through Little Rock so that children in Jena could see nooses hanging from their schools.....It is not enough to look back and see how far we've come..rather we must look back and see how far we have left to go....I fell in love with the picture above because it represents, not only my hopes and dreams, but that of my ancestors. Barack stands as a symbol of determination, intellectualism, family, and love; the young boy stands as a symbol of hope and potential... "I am because we are." ** I respect athleticism; However, I hate that the Media has stereotyped African Americans as succeeding only in the athletic and entertainment industry. I hate the one dimensional construction of Black boys, this picture brings me/us hope. Love it.Healthcare. I support Affordable, not universal. My healthcare coverage cost me more than 200.00 per month and there are many years where I have considered electing out of coverage. What is beautiful about this country is that we have choices, not RULES. The Iraq War. I support Obama's timeline of a 16 month period to get out of IRAQ. WE have over 145,000 soldiers in IRAQ today and no government official has ever been able to outline what a victory in IRAQ truly means. Lobbyist. I respect Obama's honesty to come out and say that the problem with WASHINGTON is not good laws, rather special interest. It is about time Government becomes a mission rather than a business. Taxes. I am still trying to figure out how this game works. What I do know is that since 2000 ( when the Clinton's left office) The average middle class family income has dropped over 1,000 dollars while cost of living has increased 7k a year. Republicans argue that if their businesses are taxed more then they have to pay their middle class workers less.... But if this is so..then with a republican PRESIDENT Currently in office why is the middle class income dropping? Shouldnt they be able to pay their employees more? SInce they are being taxed less...??? Inspirational In my opinion, before all else, a Leader must encompass the ability to inspire others. ALl the greats in my time and before such as MLK Jr., Nelson Mendela, John F. Kennedy embodied this trait. Barack has brought the young adult age group to registered to vote in record numbers. No other politican, or celebrity was capable of doing this. I feel with deep passion that the age group 18-25 are Americas future, yet the most stubborn era to inspire to believe in CHANGE. A Leader must have the ability to inspire/ motivate and succeed. Barack has conquered all...

My Thoughts and Fav. Points from Barack's 2008 DNC speech""...
Thank You Bill and HIllary Clinton-They will always be one of the most inspirational and respected- Democratic Leaders our nation has had." What one man's does for the least of us.. is what he does for all..."The Clinton administration took an economy that George Senior Bush Left in Ruins and led American to the greatest economic times... They took the middle class to an income increase of over 7,500k per year- (to which the current president has decreased by 2k per year) They Created 23 million new jobs for Americans.. They brought over 5 million Americans out of Poverty level... They Strengthened our foreign relationships worldwide

As Bill Clinton and Barack said, " John McCain is a good Man..he has worn our countries uniform with gratitude and distinction..and for that he has my respect.. but he cannot unite and inspire our Country in ways that are desperately can you deliver change when you believe Georgebush was right 95 % of the time.. I do not know about you but I do not want to take a 5% chance on Change!"

In Conclusion about McCain ..Barack said.. ... "Now I do not feel as if McCain doesn't care, I just feel he doesn't get it! How else can you vote for giving more and more to the most while not voting for any relief for the middle class!"

Now why do I feel as if Barack get's it?
I think Barack get's it because he was raised by just his Mom as she worked and turned to food stamps to take care of their family I think Barack get's it because he made it to the best school in the country on scholarships in which he just finished paying off his student loans 5 years ago. I Think Barack get's it because he chose to be a civil rights worker and return to the southside of Chicago after graduating HARVARD LAW to fight for those whose voices were unheard...Passing up a High paying WalStreet Job I Know Barack gets it because he watched his Mom suffer for Health Coverage as the insurance companies were reluctant to cover her in her age and illness.

The Republicans have brought our nation to an unnnecessary war which has contributed to our economy in turmoil, while the hard working middle class salaries are decreasing and worst of all, the chance for our children to afford college is becoming out of reach-Now all this cannot be blamed on the government- but the failure to respond by the Government is a failure to the American people.

We are more compassionate than a country that watches veterans sleep on the streets with amputated they lost their legs fighting for our country...

So what is CHANGE in Barack Terms?
Change means a tax code that doesnt reward the lobbyist that wrote it, but instead the small businesses and workers who deserve it... Change means cutting taxes for 95 % of Americans(middle class).. Change means ending our dependence on foreign oil within the next 10 years Change means paying our teachers more while demanding higher standards of education out of them in return Change means affordable and accessible healthcare- with no discrimination against thoughs who are sick and need care the most.. Change means keeping our promise to every militant that if you serve our country you will get a government paid education Change means providing every American child in our country with a worldclass and affordable education so we can compete in the global economy- I am still stunned how in my experiences in school everytime I sat with a foreigner with strict upbringing.. their dedication, knowledge and strength to succeed was beyond belief

But America most of all..Change begins from the ground up. Not the top down. Democrats, we must admit that change will require more than just money. As John F. Kennedy said..," Change begins by believing in your intellectual and ethical moral strength".. Mothers and Fathers we must change the way we raise our kids. We must turn the T.V off and open our books with our children...

WHere would we be without people like MLK who believed in change... What if he said it was tooo hard?WHere would we be without Harriet Tubman who believed in Change...what if she was too scared to help free the slaves?Where would we be without Rosa Parks who believed in change..what if she would have moved to the back of the bus?

Voice Messaging...
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My Video Choice...

That's all folks.. Peace Peace!

I'd like to meet:

Revren and Doctor Michael Eric Dyson Author and CNN Correspondent Rolland Martin Harvard Prof.and Economist Roland Fryer CNN correspondent Soledad O' Brian Nelson Mendela..

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How to land the perfect Job! Take my Advice

   MY ADVICE... 1.) Enter college and pick the hardest major possible. Companies love competitive people. 2.) Be original, don't answer those interview questions the way the book told you t...
Posted by Nella Jones on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 05:44:00 PST