BASSIST for WITHOUTREASON- playing muic, listening to music, guitars, amplifiers, tattoos, carpentry,wood working, building, remodeling, real estate, nature, partying with friends and relatives, meeting new people, and making new friends, I like dogs,they are so loyal and loving, and they are good for your soul.
I made my myspace layout using
ttp:// , Carcass , Paradise Lost , Kreator , Exodus , Machine Head , Life of Agony , Killing Joke , Clutch , Motor Head , Arch Enemy , Children of Bodem , Dimmu Borgir , In Flames , Soil Work , Immortal Souls , Soil , Demon Hunter , Systematic , Helmet , Gamma Ray , Iced Earth , Stabbing Westward , Tad Remose , Seven Dust . OLD SCHOOL- Alice in Chains , Stone Temple Pilots , Testament , Loudness Anthrax , Metallica , Love-Hate , Mercyfull Fate , Judus Preist , Iron Maiden , Saxon , Accept , Warning , Budgie , HawkWind . OLDER SCHOOL- Black Sabbath , Humble Pie , Jimmy Hendrix , Frank Zappa , Jeff Beck , Frank Marino and Mahogony Rush , King Crimson , Grand Funk Railroad, Steppenwolf, Atomic Rooster,Spirit, Groundhogs , Cream , Cactus , Mountain , Armmagedon, , Captain Beyond, Lucifers Friend.
Last House on the Left , ClockWork Orange , 2001 Space Oddesey , Appocalypse Now , GoldFinger ,Catbalou , Caddy Shack , The Great Escape , GodZilla vs. Mothra , The Fearless Vampire Killers.
once in a while I..ll make time for it .
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