adopt your own virtual pet!
YOU, all those cats with whom I have lost touch, Audrey Tautou (yeah...)
Anything spreading the funk, anything that isn't glaring the apathy prevalent in today's society
Life is Beautiful, Wes Anderson joints, Amelie, Cannonball Run, Big Trouble in Little China, Airplane, Kung Fu affionado (Fav. right now is Buddhist Fist)
Tip: Don't watch the box, since I have disconnected my TV to the cable, I have increased what I actually want to do with my life tenfold!!! You can say it helps you relax, but it is also turning your brain into mush (listen to FZ I'm the slime).
The Art of Happiness (and other things involving the DL), Harry Potter series (I'm hooked), The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki (all wannabe entrepreneurs-check it out)
My mother-for all she has been through