Ricurdo Fuse profile picture

Ricurdo Fuse

Visit my bands webpage: www.fusenet.tk

About Me

I am what ever U say I am, dont give a fuck about anyone or anything, just want to do the best of what I do, I love all kinds of music, Rock, Blues, Rap, anything thats good. I like soccer and i play every now and then. Im quiet, and easy going dude who likes to have fun, drink, fuck, smoke, and chill with friends. I play in a band Alternative Rock, and we are called FUSE you can visit our webpage anytime you want, is: www.fusenet.tk (hope U like it), I play the guitar and its one of the things I love doing, I think music is my religion I cant live without music, I also love to drive my mustang its one of my favorite things to do, Im a graphic designer also so thats all the things I do, I also have very little time for me because Im studing and working at the same time, so during the week Im full but on weekends I practice with the band and always go out. And last but not least I LOVE GIRLS (i think its normal) its something beyond me, i cant control it, blondes, burnetts, redheads, etc. At the end im just a good guy whos been with the wrong girls and now im like these because im damaged and its not my fault but I know ill open my heart again, but what gets on my nerves is that how im going to know who she is...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

At the moment im not in a mood for a serious relationship, because the last Two I had ended up real bad for me, cause my stupid heart got broken but thats the way it is, you fall in love alone and thats what happens. So right now im just looking for girls to have fun, no strings attached. Casue you know how it is when feelings get in the way somebody always end up hurt. And its the fact that its going to be really hard to trust in a girl again, but how knows, I know along the way I will find someone for me...


Radiohead, ColdPlay, Muse, Placebo, A Perfect Circle, U2, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Led Zeppellin, Oasis, Incubus, 50 Cent, Eminem, Ray Charles, Audioslave, Bob Marley, Travis, Incubus, The Beatles, Pearl Jam, Garbage, Depeche Mode, Frank Sinatra, Joss Stone, Janis Joplin, The White Stripes, Keane, Metallica, Robbie Williams, Eric Clapton, Interpol, Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson, David Bowie, Dave Matthes Band, Slipknot, Tiesto, Mauro Picotto, Lenny Kravitz, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Foo Figthers, and some others.


Matrix, American History X, Fight Club, Memento, Bullit, The God Father, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Final Fantasy Advent Children, Sin City, Romeo and Juliet, Scar face, The Wall, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Catch me If You Can, Last Samurai, Batman Begins, City of Angels, Collateral, Artifficial Inteligence, Eyes Wide Shut, Days of Thunder, Forest Gump, Troy, The Way of the Gun, all the James Bond movies, Nothing Hill, Bourne Identity, Sleepy Hollow, Edward Scissors Hands, What Lies Beneath, Clockworth Orange, Full Metal jacket, Gone in 60 seconds, Carlitos Way, Ronin, The Doors, Natural Born Killers, Oceans Eleven, Seven, Seven Years in Tibet, Legends of the Fall and some others.


Friends, Seinfeld, Alias, 24, wild on, Animes, movies, etc.


Aquiles, Wolverine, Batman, Bono, Thom Yorke, Matthew Bellamy, Michael Jordan, David Beckham, My parents, Brian Molko, Henry Ford, Georghe Lucas, Steven Speilberg, Tim Burton, 50 cent.