Calvin Kitsch (Official Myspace) profile picture

Calvin Kitsch (Official Myspace)

Sibarita y artista

About Me

I'm an ex- cientist. Ex-Dope painting man. Ex drunk boy. Ex-Agustinian Priest. And ex convict from the Russian KGB. I like the music of Richard Wagner and Sebastian Bach. The Cold Mountain and the deep forest. The silence. The Christian Literature of the XVI century. And the old vyniles of darkwave and death rock. Punky also in all formats. 

My Interests

Magick. Paranormal magic. Rituals. The onanismè. The persecution of reality. And dreams of madmen. Pinch out cd-s and discs. Death rock. Gothic.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet deathrock girls, deathrockers, old school goths, gothics, etc.


CLassic. Opera (Good opera, no shit) Dark wave, Death Rock, Punkabilly, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Noise, Militar marches,Industrial, 80's pop...


Naked Lunch, Tarantino's movies, Buñuel movies, German of 30's and 40's movies. Horror, Znuff and gore. I don't like too much the cinema...


I hate the stupid box of lies. But I like South Park and Simpsons. And Sports sometimes.


A lotta of. I can't even start. (Not in a specific order) The devil (papinni), Gog and The black Book (papinni), Also Sprach Zaratustra (Nietzsche),with...Aurora, The Antichrist, Human too human; Faust (Goethe), Lost Paradise (Milton), Comedy (Alighieri), Eneida (Virgilio), Evil Flowers and Artificial Paradises (Baudelaire), Off season (Dallas Muir), Das Kapital (Marx), El Quijote de la Mancha (Cervantes), Mein Kampf (Hitler), The Bible (Some "Prophets" and Godspellers), The Al-Coran (Mahoma and some prophets), Dogma and High Magic Ritual (Eliphas Levi), The Bolchevism from Moses to Lenin (Dietrich Eckart), The Black Bible (Anton Szandor La vey), The little prince (Antony de Saint exúpery)... And too much more, but those are the "Principals".


No one.

My Blog


¿Qué significa la soledad? En un principio, significó errar, morir de forma paulatina y callada, significó ausencia. Pero la soledad no necesariamente implica sentirse apartado, o sentirse aislado ...
Posted by Calvin Kitsch (Official Myspace) on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 07:56:00 PST

¿Era Jesus Kristos un Judio?

En tablillas cuneiformes con mas de 3700 años encontramos que en la actual palestina los asentamientos etnicos del norte se componian de iranios e indoiranios, osea tribus arias de oriente medio. Reco...
Posted by Calvin Kitsch (Official Myspace) on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:13:00 PST


El Movimiento Kitsch. Releyendo a Milan Kundera (La insoportable levedad del ser) me encuentro con la muy interesante teoría del kitsch, una teoría fascinante que puede aplicarse a todo tiempo y luga...
Posted by Calvin Kitsch (Official Myspace) on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:25:00 PST