I'VE REALIZED THAT MUSIC IS MORE THAN A LANGUAGE WHAT ELSE CAN CAPTURE DOWN TO THE SCIENCE WORDS UNSPOKEN!?!?!I'm Brooks...Andrasiano Brooks- singer/songwriter/musician/dancer and I'm also a freelance model. I'm an avid sports fan and especially love extreme-sports as well as Cars, Architecture, Art, Travel, and just the FINER THINGS IN LIFE, and who doesn't!?!?...I mean,honestly I could go "on and on" like Erykah Badu, but you'll never really know ME until you get the opportunity to have that life-changing, passion provoking, psyche-stimulating, mind motivating experience and pleasure of SPENDING TIME & GETTING TO KNOW ME.***WARNING THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS & CONCLUSIONS MAY CAUSE THESE SIDE EFFECTS:EXCITEMENT,CONVICTION,PASSION,ENTHUSIAM AND POSSIBLY AN EPIPHANY*** This page is meant to motivate and challenge everyone that has a DREAM to live out your dreams to the fullest extent, FULFILLMENT of one's purpose is a beautiful thing indeed! However, To REALIZE one's purpose is -ONLY- THE BEGINNING and half the battle!!(I think I need to patent that quote) I must say I'm a people person and I love BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE who have that resonating beauty which emanates from WITHIN-FIRST-that allows them to be themselves and comfortable in their OWN skin at any cost without any apologies therefore understanding the purpose of WE as individuals and a HUMAN race! In Honor of Martin Luther King's Dream, which I declare the American Dream, let's respect ourselves so that we can respect others, let's educate ourselves in order to properly educate and/or influence others positively and effectively with purpose, and let's BE who we are as people, which is not predestined by race, religion, creed or anything else for that matter. Let's be the FUTURE of America. Let's finally erase the hatred within us as a HUMAN RACE which is often propelled by ignorance and lack of self-respect. This hatred and ignorance has not only spanned countless generations but the IGNORANCE that once put "races" against "races" has brought division WITHIN "races" causing the Human Race to become an endangered species. So what's the purpose in saying all this? It's to ignite the Youth of the Nation SPECIFICALLY, but NOT limited to the youth, to stand up and BE COUNTED. Our voices supercede the capacity of being registered to VOTE we must "LIVE STRONG" which is not limited to the multiple contributionary aspects enabled by purchasing a yellow rubber bracelet!!! This concept has to be a LIFESTYLE!-I've spoken my piece. My goal 5 years from now with God directing my path is to become a household name garnering mass appeal and multi-dimensional success in the Entertainment Business and also as a Savvy YOUNG businessman/entrepreneur/activist/entertainer/fashion designer/author/restauranteur/philanthropist and LEADER/ROLE-MODEL. A young man destined for uncharted success even before the foundation of the earth. Making a name for myself as one of the most PROLIFIC ENTERTAINERS, MOTIVATORS, AND EDUCATORS of all time!By the way, my name is Andrasiano Brooks in case your memory has already tricked you into thinking that you had forgotten it!!
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