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Vegan Goddess

Live simply, so that others may simply live...

About Me

If you can't watch what happens to animals that are raised to live miserable lives and die a horrible death for your meal, then you have no business eating them! It's extremely disturbing what's being done to animals in the meat, dairy, and egg industries today. Every year, billions of sentient, innocent animals are made to suffer torturous conditions on factory farms with their only fate being an excruiatingly painful death. They did not ask to brought into this world to be tortured and murdered. They want freedom to enjoy their lives when they enter the world just like you and me. Unfortunately their lives are not their own to live free. They have NO rights and they do NOT live out happy peaceful lives in the pasture/barnyard to later be killed humanely as the corporations want you to believe. Farm animals are being bred, tortured, and killed on mass scales behind closed doors. Meat, dairy, and eggs industries around the world have become systematic mass murder of over 46 BILLION animals per year with the number one priority being faster production to increase profits. The industries claim it's not cost-effective to ensure the comfort and well-being of animals during any part of the process. This means that these animals face unthinkable atrocities, intense fear, and miserable suffering on a daily basis. Despite what most of society has been made to believe, farmed animals have emotions like people and just because they can't speak and don't defend themselves against murder and exploitation does not make them dumb and incapable of feeling physical or emotional pain. They fear death, dislike pain, and value their lives just as much as any other living breathing creature. If animals have one shortcoming it would be trusting humans or should I say, allowing people to commit the evil acts they do without rising up and brutally taking out any person that comes near them with intent to harm. If throughout the generations, our parents and their parents' parents, didn't force the belief on their children that we need meat, dairy, and eggs to survive and be healthy; there would be more educated people making healthier diet choices giving birth to more educated and healthy people...If slaughterhouses weren't purposely hidden from the general public- we would hear animals screaming and shrieking in excruiating pain hanging upside down bleeding to death and being boiled and dismembered alive...If greedy corporations didn't lie to us about how little thought is given to animals' well-being during their stolen lifetimes so they can make their annual billion dollar profits-I think we would have a lot more vegetarians...If our own government didn't create a food pyramid laden with meat dairy and eggs and tell us these products need to be staples of our diets to serve the corporate scum interests- we would have less people dying of heart attacks and suffering from a slew of illnesses related to diets of high saturated fat and cholesterol...If people had to personally take responsibility to kill the cows, chickens, and pigs they ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day instead of having poverty-stricken immigrants do it for them- there would be millions more saying no to meat. If animal products weren't mass marketed to us through every possible media outlet from our early childhood into our senior years as necessary foods for optimum health (to get maximum corporate profit)- we would see a more positive outlook and response to the vegan diet which in my opinion is the best way to achieve health and well being, physically, emotionally, and mentally. These common "staples" of our diet have been so ingrained into our daily lives and culture that we can't even recognize that meat, dairy, and eggs is murder. Modern "factory farming" has become torture and imprisonment to billions of farm animals every year. Not only do the animals suffer through miseries inconscionable but the meat and dairy industries cause massive pollution to the environment and deplete the earth's natural resources. Consuming meat and dairy is a completely unsustainable way to live. The serious health risks related to eating meat and dairy are particularly alarming. All the way around, eating meat, dairy, and eggs is incredibly harmful to animals, people, and the planet. I shudder to think about what kind of collective karma we are creating for ourselves. Any non-veg people reading this can feel free to ask me questions about veganism or how animals are treated on modern factory farms. Feel free to check out the site links below. There is a wealth of great resources out there (books, magazines, short films, leaflets, websites) to educate, enlighten, and empower! Take responsibility for yourself, your conscience, and your body. Find out if you know the real story behind meat, dairy, and eggs and then make a truly informed decision about what you put in your body... EDUCATE YOURSELF AND SEEK THE TRUTH!More about me: I went vegan two and a half years ago after being vegetarian for about two years. I love being vegan and I enjoy having true compassion for ALL animals. I eat a variety of healthy and delicious foods, actually the same stuff any average person eats...only without all the cholesterol, saturated fat, carcinogens, and CRUELTY to innocent, sentient beings. I eat without the personal guilt of knowing the cruelty farm animals endure for food to reach my plate. My chosen lifestyle is the number one most important thing I've done in my entire life. Being vegan encompasses much more than just what I eat. It's a lifestyle of compassion and love. The most important objective in being vegan is REDUCING the amount of animal suffering one contributes to, not eradicating it alltogether which is an unattainable goal for any person, vegan or not. I know I will be vegan for the rest of my life. I feel the best I ever have on all levels of being. I am nourished and have lots of energy. I hope to positively influence as many people as possible to this cruelty-free healthier way of living.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Vegans or Vegetarians transitioning to vegan.


Lost, The Office, Reno 911, Mystery Science Theatre, Glick Show, Kids in the Hall.


Nature's First Law, Raw Secrets, Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating, The Vegan Sourcebook, Obligate Carnivore, The Four Agreements, Fast Food Nation, The Pig Who Sang To The Moon, Diet for A New America.


Joaquin Phoenix, Morrissey, Pam Anderson, David Wolfe, Jo Ann Stepaniak, Erik Marcus, John Robbins, Ann Wigmore, Ingrid Newkirk, Aubrey Hampton, Bruce Friedrich, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Maher.

My Blog

Want to put videos like "Meet your Meat" on your profile?

It's easy! Click here to stream your favorite peta video on your myspace profile
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:27:00 PST

The 5 Buddhist Precepts

1.   I will be mindful and reverential with all life, I will not be violent nor will I kill.  Avoid killing or harming any living being.I undertake the precept to refrain from dest...
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Fri, 02 Dec 2005 09:51:00 PST

Store Wars...Watch this movie!

Posted by Vegan Goddess on Fri, 04 Nov 2005 01:47:00 PST

Want to put peta videos like "meet your meat" on your page?

It's easy! Click here to stream your favorite peta video on your myspace profile
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 03:00:00 PST


"I like how people who eat meat describethemselves as meat-eaters. Some even say they arecarnivores. A real carnivore would have a laugh overthis self-aggrandising description. Human beings areno...
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Important Video possibly about to be Censored...Watch!

Important Video possibly about to be Censored...Watch! For 11 months, PETAs investigator worked as a technician inside the Vienna, Virginia, Covance laboratory, where she documented workers who were ...
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Video: 45 days in Hell, the life and death of a broiler chicken

Click here- mp;Player=qt&speed=_med
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My boyfriend is in the Vegan Outreach Newsletter!!

One of Russ' recent "Why Vegan" leafletting experiences is shown at the bottom of the newsletter. I'm really excited that his experience was published in the newsletter, but most importantly I'm so pr...
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ever hear of vegan cat food??

Ever have questions like... What's in commercial pet food? Is it really healthy for my animal friends? What is vegan cat food? Why feed it to your cat? Is it safe for your cat? Does it have taurine an...
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Please sign this to help the seals being slaughtered!!

Please sign this petition if you care about the hundreds of thousands of baby seals being brutally slaughtered in Canada right now, some as young as 12 days old. They are stabbed, skinned, and clubbed...
Posted by Vegan Goddess on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST