CACTUS RECORDS profile picture



About Me

Relationshit - Blue design "black shirt"
Relationshit - Red Design "black shirt"
Tersanjung 13 - "Black shirt"
Straight Answer - Refuse to obey desing "black shirt"
Hooded sweatshirt
Staright answer - Refuse to obey "blue color"
Thinking straigt - Red color
All t-shirt are RM 23 ppd
and hooded are RM 36 ppd.
If u want this t shirt, u can whether meet me at gig (annexe, or jam asia) or send mailorder to this address:
WAN HAZRIL HISHAM, Elies Condo, 03-04-18, Bukit Jelutong, 40160 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Cactus 011 - Cluster Bomb Unit "Stumpf Ist Trumpf" CD - A new release by CBU. This feature 12 total unreleased tracks that consists four tracks recorded in early (Feb) 2006, three tracks recorded in 2001 for their use to be a project bands with Kelly from defiance and four cover songs that recorded in october 2006 and one in 2001. Cover songs from bands: subhuman, chaos UK, mob 47, rudimentary peni and discharge. Classic sound approach and totally blast.
CACTUS 10.5 - This is not a break up compilation [Various label including cactus records] - This is a compilation that support a band that played in dip leg (Japan) and Curve (Japan), Singapore & Malaysia tour. There are 11 bands and 13 songs inside. The bands played various style of music style from grindcore, hardcore, emo etc. The bands inside are from SINGAPORE - Pazahora (dark crust ala tragedy), Ila Mitra (90's emo hc alike), Bombarde (Brutal crust grind), and elergy for euliza (Metal hardcore), MALAYSIA - Kias fansuri (screamo ex-utarid), Man under zero effort (Jazzy indie style), Daighilia (Screamo hc), Teenage glory for a wasteland (mogwai alike band), and pintu rintangan api (Good tech hardcore), JAPAN - Curve (Indie rock), and Dip Leg (screamo).
CACTUS ..010 Victims of grind "3 way split CD" with parkinson/ kirenaneko/ selfmadegod - This cd contains three Malaysian grindcore act. Parkinson is an old running grindcore band from johor, guttural vocal and blasting music. Kirenaneko come from Mallaca and doing sick sound in vein of agathocles or denak. Last is selfmadegod doing old school grindcore sound mix it up with thrashy speed sound. Nice production and contains 31 songs overall.
CACTUS ..009.5 - CACTUS .. 009.5 - Cynic 19 (Japan) / The act we act (Japan) / At Least I speak 3 way split CD
This CD is been put out as both of Cynic 19 and The act we act had came to Malaysia to do a 10 days Malaysian/Singapore tour. CYNIC 19 is a thrashcore band that played in vein of lip cream/das oath etc. Rock n roll riff ala vivisick and for sure have many amazing breakdown/stop n go. This is really good. THE ACT WE ACT play more to post hardcore music with lotsa jazzy influence inside their music. They pull a very energetic music inside but at the same time drive a very good structure in their music driven. They are been compare to crimson curse and mixed up with the angst of born against & AT LEAST I SPEAK is a local screamo bands that have a lotsa things to say about them. Good lyrics as well. They are comparable to screamo bands like neil perry or songs of zarathusta. The music is powerful. This CD also come with a big full color A3 size poster. So get it before it's too late.!
CACTUS ..009 - Vitamin X "the best of" CD
This cd compile selected song that been choose by the bandmates, from the early era of commitment, till the new 7?rip it out. And it contains 36 songs that will rip ur ass. This is the good documentation of vitamin X along the success way they have!
CACTUS ..008 - Makiladoras "2001 - 2004" discography CD
The cd is a complete collection of all their releases including their debut self title 10?(released by Ups, Dp or Not Dp, Malinke Records, Squawk Records etc), Maximaal Onthall Compilation cd and their latest split 7?with the Dutch crusties, Radio Bikini plus one cover song from State of Fear. They have been compared to a faster Tragedy and even hints of FromAshes Rise. Experience this heavy fast hc crust from Groningen, Holland.
CACTUS ..007 - Barackca "south east asian tour" tape
This band had just finished their Asian tour. They are coming from Hungary and play political punk rock tune with anarchism view. Come with 19 songs + a lyrics sheet and other info. Imagine cathcy and fast paced punk rock like juggling jugular. Co - release with other label; prohibited project (Singapore), epidemic records (Singapore) and bullwhip records (Malaysia).
CACTUS ..006 - Take no heroes compilation tape
This is a hardcore compilation featuring 10 bands from around the world. Bands feature were Pointing finger [Portugal], razlog za [crotia], no violence [brazil], feud [phillipines], only way out [poland], crickbat [Spain], The mutiny [USA], sincerity [germany], cita atteiksma [Latvia] and second combat [Malaysia]. 71 minutes of music, 100% rare and unreleased. Variety kind of hardcore. Comes with cute 12 pages booklet include lyrics, contact address and other info. This is the best hardcore compilation you should own. And for your info this compilation had originally been release by various European label like Boisleve records, refuse records, WGF records etc. And this tape also is a co-release between 5 Malaysian label including me. Other are kidslikeme records, tragis records, united front records and knot records
CACTUS ..005 - Gauge Means nothing/ Tiala/ Utarid 3 way split tape
All these three bands had just finished the Malaysia/ Singapore last December. This tape compiles 7 tracks from all the 3 bands. Cohol is a Tokyo crazy metal + sludge hardcore with lotsa emotional part. 2 songs from them. Tiala play chaotic/ screamo HC ala swing kids or orchid and they are also from Tokyo. 3 songs from them. Gauge means nothing is from Kawaguchi city play emotional hardcore with dual fe/male vocals, plus a keyboard. Mix envy, and French sounding hardcore and you will get GMN. Get this before it gone forever.
CACTUS ..004 - Sunrise "blood spills everyday" tape
Polish vegan metal band discography release. They played a cross between old Carcass and later turn to be more into swedish metal at the gates, in flames music style. This tape contains 20 songs from three of their previous release, the "Generation of Sleepwalkers" CD, "Child of eternity" CD, "Still walking with the fire" MCD, and some compilation songs. They also got a split CD release with the infamous LIAR. The lyrics are poetically written but politically alert!
CACTUS ..003 - Anomie discography tape
CACTUS ..002 - Kobayashi "disko" tape
I've been contacted with Peter about one years ago and he is a really nice bloke. I considered this tape as a first release of CACTUS records. Kobayashi is a great HC/punk band from Germany and their lyrics and theirs music are really good. All the idea they brought got something special. This tape come out with 14 songs with a complete translation and also a nice glossy cover. The tape had been released by me with a coorperation of Poor Rat Records.
CACTUS ..001 - Opprobrium adornment/ melarat split tape
Both bands is from Malaysia. Melarat consists 4 young kids and they are come from Mallaca. They played angry crust punk tunes with lot of melodic part. 9 songs with political lyrics. this is their first material and soon will come with lot of other projects. While opprobrium adornment start out in 1996 with several release but this is their last material before they split up and they now known as selfmadegod. Contain 11 pissed and raw powerviolence with rad vocals. This is a superb split, trust me!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/23/2005
Band Website:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hello guys, This is wan from cactus records/distro.. Im updating new stuff on august.. And here it is..Hope u like...cheers -wan- CACTUS DISTRO LIST 2007 august Send all order...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 10:57:00 PST

Cactusdistro latest update [june 2007]

..:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> CACTUS DISTRIBUTION LIST  JUNE 2007- All prices including ...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 08:05:00 PST

august arrival [prebooked]

AUGUST ARRIVALPlease note that this is pre booked and deposit is much accepted for all the stuff booked. Halfthebattle/play/feud 3 way split CD. Rm 20ppdFeud-battling bastards of freedom CD. RM 20ppdT...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 04:31:00 PST

cactus distribution june 2006 list update!

CACTUSDISTRO LIST [June2006] Send all order to WAN HAZRIL HISHAM, E4/366, Kampung Pulau Lang Kiri, 26800 Kuala Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. email: [email protected] - All prices including postage. -...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:56:00 PST

new stuff for may 2006 (^+^)

its all new - may 2006TapesNSA "no struggling for acceptance" tapes - Phillipines hardcore bands that crossed between MDC and minor threat. All the sound of 80's american hardcore inside. They know ho...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Tue, 16 May 2006 03:45:00 PST

Cactus distribution March arrival!

March 2006 arrival COMPACT DISC4 way split CD with Infected Disarray, Jazzus, Mukeka Di Rato and Mass Genocide Process [Extremist records] - .Highlights of this release are Infected Disarray who play ...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 07:18:00 PST


Cactus distro new arrival. [February 2006.] Contact: c/o Wan hazril hisham, E4/366, kampung pulau lang kiri, 26800 kuala rompin, pahang, [email protected] log on to www.cactusdistro....
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:27:00 PST

Cactus Distribution December List

CACTUS DISTRO DISTRIBUTION LIST [DECEMBER 2005] Send all order to: WAN HAZRIL HISHAM, E4/266, kampong pulau lang kiri, 26800 kuala rompin, pahang, Malaysia. All prices including postage. List down alt...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 07:51:00 PST


CD 3 ways of Armageddom - Olho de Gato/Social Chaos/Irritate CD [UPS records] OdG is international HCCrust. Social Choas is raw Brazilian Crust. Irritate is GrindRock from Finland. RM 20ppd   ALL...
Posted by CACTUS RECORDS on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:54:00 PST