The person who always living free and beleive in themselves, I just want to breakfree and travel far away from home (I want money), my lovely girlfriend (muahs. I love her sooo much!!!), all my cool terrorist teammate and my bandmates ( I love my bands a lot), family for sure, HC/punk community and culture, SEX (im virgin. ahah!), zine with nothing crap, movie without any bore feeling, music with no bullshit (good riffing, mindbreaking atmosphere, sick feeling, great artwork), brain explode, stay out from normal setup (Fuckkkk!), book which cant make me sleep, my hometown!!!, computer programming, any good music material, Porno (What? MILF hunter), xTeleViSioNx (no thanks to sick CNN and boring news, I just want something to ease my mind), weekend hardcore gig, damn good comics (Damn i love that brian wood, please gimme money, i want to buy it), something beutiful in my eyes, sleeping, cult coffeee, what.. am i gonna tell u all the things.. FUCK!