A SweeT N Explicit ImmortaL AzteK Technique...Scholaz 2unite Wit aLL The Gangstaz N WaLk Like A WaRRioR...SoL CamP1 "WuT Liez Ahead 4 MiCadVanCeMenTz FuTure NoW" iz Me Click N FuC it cuz yall luV it...ReaLizm in M.E izVendetta Bro,R.I.P ProoF...AyounG Noble,ThugBrother:ThuGAngeL,DeaD PreZidenT...LeTz GeT FrEE...U cant put a YoungSoldier in a CeLL cuz Legacy Continuez...Outlawz Againtz All Oddz...Leavin The Past Behind...We all in the same Thang... All Family...2make U HappY!!!...Thugz Bizzy Revenge, Lightin Up The Spliff...For the Homiez...Feel my Soul...All my Life...Not Bein Hesitant!!!...Not a Superstar...Just the Dayz Of ME Life...Snakecharmer Ladyz...MayB One Day...In thiz Timez...Nobody...Threatz...thiz Gangsta Alone...Pokaface...BizzY B 2 A Mr CaponE G iz TheE SoLdieR Ruff Story...A SouthWesT CowBoY Around The WorLd...Wit The LighT so Lovey DoveY...ThuGz NeeD LuV 2...BeinG aLL I CaN B...Not Doin WronG...Just BlowN AwaY...Wut Do U SaY...Come, Go,KnoW N See!!!DeaD PreZ&OuTLaWz-Can'T SeLL Dope 4eva... FroM SoLDieR 2 SoLDieR I saY A PrayeR...Am A YounG BrowN N DonT GiVe FuC RuNAwaY SLaVe,HoW U Likez ThaT...TryiN 2 Make A LiViN...SouL MuZiK LisTeniN...SmoKiN ThaT KaLi4nYa...4LifE...Itz Time...ThaTz RighT,LefT-RighT Like A SoLdieR WiT iT!!!...NaS' HiP HoP iZ DeaD,My oWn StrengTh...U CanT KiLL Me...CarrYiN oN TradiTioN...In Tha BacK oF the Hood,BroWn RePuBlicaN...StiLL DreaMiN buT noT goiN BacK...HoLdiN dowN the BLocK...BLunT AsheS...So LeT There B LighT,PlaYa PlaYa N HustLerz...Thiz WuT made Me,CanT ForgeT U...JaY-Z KinGDoM ComE, Oh My GoD U LosTOnE...Do U Wana RidE...Im 20 somethiN...Ima Make iT...AnYthiN,HoLLYWooD...TroubLe, Neva gona ChanGe...HaTerz DiG Ur HoLe...Thiz My MiNoRiTy RePorT on my BeacH ChaiR 1...SToRMeY iM H.I.M...KintO SoL...F.A.M.I.L.Y...T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E...O.U.T.L.A.W...N.I.G.G. A...MaLVerDE...EXziBiT...RBG...ReaLTaLk...PacRapFan1...MuZiC iZMe LuLLabY...1
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