A few of these may surprise you... Filmmaking(of course), acting, playing music on various instruments(mainly keyboards for me), Egyptology, Cyberpunk, D&D, Samurai(Bushido), Japan-Japanese(Hajimenmashite! Dozo yoroshiku onaegashimasu!), Game Developer, Graphics Artist, Animation(mostly Flash), anything with a creative vibe....
GREAT MINDS talk about ideas, AVERAGE MINDS talk about events, and SMALL MINDS talk about people.
Anyone... but most of all, actors and fellow musicians and filmmakers in the Arizona area.
In gamer circles:
Richard Garriott
Gary Gygax
Anyone else, who wants to help me bring in the next generation of gaming that will merge passive movie watching with interactive RPG. I have a plan for the future of gaming.Visionaries -- Quest Seekers -- Artist -- Musicians -- and finally... those who live the dream.
LJR's Music @ MySpace.com
I write music myself but if I were to say Genre it would be: Techno, Trance, Ambient, Industrial, Gothic, Rave, HipHop, House, R&B, D&B, Reggae, Jazz, Classical, Folk, New Age and anything with a futuristic vibe to it.
Oribital, Rabbit In the Moon, Astral Projection, Richard Searles, Prodigy, Intelligentsia, Midnight Syndicate, Miklós Rózsa, Gardians Of The Earth, Morgan the Bard, Blackmore's Night
Current favorite movie:
Blade Runner
Dragonlance Movie
Project Greenlight, Ghost Hunters, Random 1, On the Lot
Game Programming All in One
Dungeons and Dreamers: The Rise of Computer Game Culture From Geek to Chic
The Riverside Shakespeare 2nd ed.
How Not to Write a Screenplay
How to Write Science Finction & Fantasy - Orson Scott Card
Trippingly on the Tongue - Laura Crockett
Infoquake - David Louis Edelman
I read a lot of books, but these are a few that I'm currently reading/reviewing.
Bruce Lee , Richard Garriott , Leonardo da Vinci , Mozart , Ridley Scott , George Lucas , Steven Spielberg , Akira Kurosawa