who do these guys sound like? people ask after listening to the music of the Waterstiffs the answer is they don't people have become more and more surprised with the sound the Waterstiffs have innovated and described as nothing you have ever heard before this is there story!!
After Daniel's first band the Mangs with The Grub (from The Fancy Claps) had fallen apart he had set out to find some people who could rock just like him. One day in 2005 Daniel had gotten reunited with Byron Ashley who was went to school with him back in the day and they started jamming, but this wasn't enough so they set out to find a lead guitarist. Finally they duo had turned into a trio with the addition of the incredibly talented guitarist Noah Gladstone. The three of them played a few shows for a year with some different bassists who just didn't seem to fit, they were clearly missing a key part of the band. Finally in January of 2007 Daniel asked his friend Jenia to rock it out on bass for them and since then they have blown people's minds with there original tunes