I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net
"Hips N Thighs" features Voyce, Stan Spitt and Phiva. Phiva is on the second verse.
The "Myspace Drama" freestyle speaks for itself. Lol!
The order of who's rappin' on the "6 Minutes Of Fire" team freestyle goes like this:
Stan Spitt
Phiva (Yours Truly, lol!)
and Dub Banga.
"Why Pay" is on of my throwbacks. Some funny stuff! Remix coming soon. Check back for it.
The "Cannon Freestyle" and the "I Get Money" features Phiva & Crysys
The "Rhyme Right Now Freestyle" features Phiva & Stan Spitt
"Contact Music" freestyle is Grimm first then Phiva with Phiva on the hook.
Enjoy! More fresh new tracks coming soon. Very Soon!