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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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It's the same old me, different address. I'm gonna be losing my internet account,or so i thought, making the e-mail address invalid. I'm not sure if that would affect my page but just in case, i'm made a new one through another email service. So needless to say i wouldn't be on near as much as i'd like, and it sorta makes me sad because i've met alot of good friends through this cracked out internet community and i'm not ready to give those people up. :) You guys have become a huge part of my life, motivating me and keeping me further from insanity. Some of you guys are truly genuine and if i have to, i would keep in touch the old-fashioned way :) So, If you notice my new page, add me, and save me the trouble of hunting you down. I'd really appreciate it.
My name's Snoop.
I smoke too much, I stress too much, I sleep too much, I love too much, I hate too much, Feel sick too much, I starve too much, want love too much, get crunk too much, I dream too much, I feel too much. I think too much, I see too much, I play too much, cant talk too much, I hear too much, I seek too much, I breathe too much, give up too much, I dream too much, can't drive enough, i wish too much, won't speak too much ...
I better tell you now, i'm a severely depressed individual who trys to keep looking past, but always falls back. Yeah, i can be happy, but i'd have to say its been many of moons since i was 100 percent totally happy with everything. So yeah, whatever.
I Love music- (Emma Burgess, Coheed and Cambria, Glassjaw, Cage)
Games- (The Legend of Zelda, anything on a wii, Super Monkeyball, Wii Bowling)
Movies- (The Big Lebowski, The Last Samurai, Jarhead)
pretty much anything multi-media, technology crap.
I play drums, guitar, a little piano, and a dab of trumpet. I'm the drummer for a band called The Texture. I also do guitar and bass for my boy Digi Darko on some of his work. I do write my own music, but it's yet to be brought to much public attention yet. I'd love to do more work with Digi and Gretchen, I think that would be a killer trio.
I have a very distinctive laugh, some people love it, some hate it, I guess you get used to it or f#$k off! :)
hmmmmm, lets see... Deftones, Emma Burgess, Coheed and Cambria, Korn, Foo Fighters, Tool, the Melvins, Kimya Dawson, Glassjaw, Cage, Stuff like that is sweet but I like EVERYTHING. I got even used to country. I've pretty much blended all the genres into one big one called "music". haha
I usually like everybody, unless they piss me off or just act retarded all the time. I don't get pissed easily, but when i do, get out of my way and pick up anything you don't want broke, including your face, haha, not really, but just maybe. Drums help alot with controlling emotions, i break sticks frequently, cymbals have short life spans, my snare head cries at night. (it knows i love it, don't worry ;)

I've noticed, when your down, everybody gets in line to kick you. When your up, Someones always trying to push you.
I think money is the root of all evil yet you can't live without it. Lord knows I've been trying! lol
I hate drama, no, not movies.
I hate Assholes.
I'm very laid back.
I love really bad thunderstorms.
I look forward for tornado warnings.
I hate waking up.
Liqour is quicker.
Deny your past, Deny yourself.
Don't regret, accept.
Its nobodys fault but my own.
I Blame Myself.
I live where Smuckers Jelly is made. You'd probably know this if you've met someone from Orrville already.
I used to play in a few bands (Nuke, Red Emma, Golgotha Flesh Atmosphere, The Naked Aliens, QuickFix, Lost on Main St. and am currently working with The Texture and a project called The Product of a Pop-Culture Government :)
I have Myspace I.M., but barely sign in cause somethings screwy with it.
It makes me happy if i can make you happy!
Rolling Rock Town Fair 2.2 was sick! :)
I don't care too much for people who point out other peoples problems when they should be worrying about their own problems. Thanks but no thanks for the concern.
I chose to support the local artist no matter what genre. I know if i were playing a show i would hope people would give me a chance. I can't stand obnoxious drunks that every other day have to apologize for the stupid shit they've said or done. Weekends cool, Daily, maybe you need to take a step back and think about things.
Basing your life on the past also sucks, yet somethings just never go away. I myself, have to remember that everyday. Like i said, some things never go away. I'm sick of he said, she said shit. I'm not gonna care so just shut the fuck up.
I beleive in god and jesus christ. don't criticize my beleifs cause i don't preach to you. Its a choice and i know its hard to put all your faith in something thats so intangible. Trust me, i know, but that IS what faith is all about. This, I beleive, is ONE of the hardest things I personally have evr tried to grasp in life. My opinion, I know theres something spiritual here, and when you look at all the relegions, they all sorta intertwine and talk about all the same things and same events, pretty crazy.
I hate being used by anyone, but there is a difference between being used and being a friend. Selfish people who don't realize theyre selfish suck. Or when your tellin them a story and 3/4 through they ask something stupid and you know they weren't even listening the past 5 minutes cause their brain is to worried about finding a way to beneifet themselves. I'm this, I'm that, I wanna hear this, i wanna do that. Go frickin do it then and get out of my face and stop complaining. If you can't stand the music and things around here then what are you even doing here. It's so fucking annoying. Sometimes i don't even know why these people even come around, well, i guess i can think of one or two things. LAME! Get over it.
I am me. I like finding new music. I don't think i'm gonna be one of those people who get stuck in an era and live it the rest of my life. Come on, you know what i'm talkin about. Like the guy at work who still sports a fla-mullet (feathered mullet) because Winger will always be the best rock band ever. lol (no offense to any 80's rockers) cause i do like some of that music, but I'm not stuck in a generational black hole. :) hahaha. I don't know, I've been getting really aggravated with people and things lately. So don't take offense if i don't get back to you right away. Times are tough, mentally, economicly, and physically. I just wish i could find someone who can take all that out of my head and that when i'm with them, i wouldn't care about anything else. I know its possible... but when?
I try to respect every person that shows me respect. if you dont, i'll prolly still be nice to you, but that doesn't mean i like you. which isn't necessarilly a bad thing, because if i hate you, you'll prolly know it. If anyone knows me, i love everyone, so theres not too many people that would fall under this anyways, but i'm sure some know who they are, and they think i know less than what i do.
Relationships scare me, but they can be the best thing to happen to someone, if its done right. It kills me to see people in abusive relationships or just fucked up ones that you know just shouldn't even be. but i understand love and i understand the trials and tribulations of the whole ordeal. And i respect that because i know its ultimately what they want. I can say i've been there, but i also say i was crazy for not letting go sooner. yeah, ANYWAYS! lol
But there are great things about relationships, knowing you have someone to go to when life stabs you in the back, and how you can look in their brown eyes and feel nothing but happiness just knowing she's right there with you. and the things you can do for true love, yeah, i said true love, cause there are alot of girls out there but you know when you meet that one girl who makes you laugh and and just sends vibrations to the pit of your soul cause the time you spend with her learning about each other is priceless and trust me, i wouldn't trade anything for those moments, I love you tube ;)
It's come to my attention that i have to be very careful with who i trust, I thought i could trust everyone i was close to, after all, i do consider them my "friends". but after i had some cash taken directly from my wallet and the lies i know about, god knows how many ive just beleived, i don't know who to trust. You know, its a scary day when you look around the room and you feel like you have to keep a birds eye on everyone in the house. thats where i'm at right now, and it's really complicated things. I'm at a high tension level and i feel like i'm about to snap anytime. For anyone still thinkin about doing anything like that i'd like to see ive taken the necessary precautions to protect my home. TRY ME! Anyways, there shouldn't be anymore problems, if so, i've got help a phone call away now, so i'm not really too worried at all, i just feel bad for the people who get caught cause it won't be pretty, lol, oh, and i'll prolly get to watch and laugh. Man, i feel really evil right now. Its not fun gettin screwed, and this is like a week or two later! but enough! I hate being angry and pissed off. so, lets move on, shall we?
THE TEXTURE ( the band i currently drum for. It's coming along extremely well. Adam is an amazing singer and has great stage pressence, Matt can fricken play like a white hendrix. Joeys raw sound and screams fit in so well with everything, and Drew is constantly improving everyday, i really think he's found his nitch. Grethchen Pleuss, Amealia Miller and Rhino are stepping in for some back up vocals on a few songs, If your at the shows, more than likely you'll catch Fretchen do some of her solo work, which by the way is simply amazing. I'd like to get her more involved with the band as a whole as well, some songs where she leads, stuff like that, it would like complete us, we could do anythiing i tell ya! :)
Gretchen Pleuss
This video doesn't have great sound, but i love it, and its good great for just running through things a couple times, I need drum brushs :), lol, but yeah, this was shot at the May 23rd show :)
Shows are starting to accumulate and we have a 4 song demo now, but... it still need work and attention, but... it still frickin rocks! :) Slowly but surely, I'm not saying we're rock stars, I'm just saying i'm gonna get paid to do what i love. Isn't that all that really matters?

My Interests

Emma Burgess - What can i say about Emma Burgess... How about...One of the best musicians of the new millenium, a hiding star, the next big thing, Best Female Vocalist of forever :) lol, just watch, it'll happen. I can't stop listening, and i love everything she's done. Her attitude towards music and her fans makes me realize how sweet and true she really is, not to mention the sense of humor that shows in her videos. One day she'll be on top. and I can tell Mike that he blew it when he had the chance to see her for 6 FRICKIN DOLLARS AT ROOM 5. :) Hi Emma! :)
Emma Burgess - Live
"Big Break"

Amphibious Assault - I mustve been warped and twisted in my state of depression over the last couple years not to hear of this sooner, Its the fucking beautiful metalectric melodies, thoughts and feelings of ex Kittie guitarist Fallon Bowmans, A musical engineer at it rawest, grittiest, most honest self. Oh and heres one the best parts, exKittie bassist Talena Atfield plays for live shows with someone named pete, and a mysterious extremely quiet drummer from japan named Roland. ;)

Coheed and Cambria - the whole story with the Amory Wars, and now the Second Stage Turbine Blade. That series is awesome, I'm not to into sci-fi but i'm really interested in it. (the comic!) Probably cause I know the story in the back of my head from listening to coheed. I can't say enough about this amazingly talented group. Claudio's side project, "The Prize Fighter Inferno" is just as amazing as Coheed. It also follows a story line except its one album, one story. It's very digital too. Drum machines, midi sounds, synth, its just so frickin great! :)

Daryl Palumbo
(glassjaw, head automatica, house of blow, cage, cardboard city, do i need to keep going?)
this dude is amazing, life wouldn't be the same without that voice. This man is a machine. He does evrything! lol, I love it, I can pick his voice out instantly, there is no other.
Cage "Shoot Frank"

Glassjaw - Another band that has helped me through the tormenting trials life has thrown in my face. dudes voice (Daryl Palumbo) is unmistakeable and indiscribable. The raw emotion bleeds through the speaker as it slowly blows your mind. I am infatuated with finding early glassjaw demos. This band defenitly needs to get back together and make an album. I'm starving for new glassjaw.
Glassjaw Siberian Kiss
I found this the other day and i watched in awe. lol :) I LOVE GLASSJAW! Convectuoso (LIVE) (closing song) Sent shivers down my frickin spine.

Nintendo Wii - I love Wii! Best system out, Fun for everybody! and its nintendo, Whats not to love! I will take anyone on at a game of bowling. They call me Mr.300 :) haha

KoRn - of course, I miss head though, you can defenitly tell he's gone, It doesn't sound as full as it used to, Although i like how they got more electronic with this last one. What happened to David? :(

Suspicious Chicken - hahaha VIVA LOS CAMINOS!! - self-explanitory

The Legend of Zelda - I love this video game, By far the best game ever. Even the music is awesome, oh and its made by nintendo, need i say more

My Family especially my niece and nephew

The Cleveland Browns - Don't get me started, I'm impressed this year though, See you in the playoffs Ruddibager HAHAHA!

Cleveland Sports - I love to hate to love it...? hahaha, Cleveland defenitly has a sort of curse on its sports organizations. But it makes me love them ten times more. Every game and season is always so exciting! I swear every game is decided in the last two minutes. With the Cavs loss in the finals, The Browns in 2003, and The Indians choke in the ALCS, you could imagine the heartache cleveland fans deal with. They used to call The Browns, The Cardiac Kids. I say its Cardiac Cleveland. But come on, Its what makes a game great, and there's nowhere else where you can get a game like that every single time they step on the field/court. We might not have a Championship trophy, but we have the most entertaining sports in the country.

Korn - Started my inspiration to stick with music and pursue being a musician, i feel like i grew up with these uys cause we idolized them, lol :), good times, Heres the last piece Who then Now ... well, videos cut, but all the behind the scenes, and interviews.
Korn Who than Now Prt 3 of 3

311 - another one of those high school era bands, man, i wanted to do what they were doing. :) Not to mention, Chad Sexton is one f my al time favorite drummers. If i was asked who really influenced me on drums throughout the years, Sexton would defenitly be in my top five. So anyways, this is his famous "Applied Science" solo, On the album (grassroots, the best 311 album :) its shortened but at a show, he does this amazing solo, I love the rolls and tripilets he does, To me, thats one of the things that makes him who he is, To me, he's famous just ecause of that. He's defenitly has hs own style and sound. I always liked how his snare and hats sounded to. They're alwys so tight and crisp sounding. This dudes awesome, I love how the solo ends up rollin right back into the song too. Cause 311's got the boom yall! :)

Red Lobster - Ok, seafood in general, Oh my lord! I LOVE IT! including sushi, I had really good, really REAL! calamari at the Cocia House one time and it was amazing, I thought i was gonna be getting some breaded rings or something and they bring out this bowl with tiny little baby squids in like a tomato and pepper broth, i mean the all had 6 or 8 legs, how ever many they have, but it was whole. Crazy lookin things i tell ya. Tasted great though, and i defenitly didn't expect the Cocia House to have a dish that, how do ya say it... exotic?!

Grilling and Cooking

Outdoors - Rivers, Mountains, Back Roads, Woods, the sky! Nature

Chicago Cubs - GO CUBS, Ryne Sandberg is and was the shit - # 23

Life Phillosophy

Oh yeah, and weather fascinates me - thunderstorms, tornados, lightning, thunder. its frickin cool, Being a storm chaser would rock.

People also intrest me, wow, did i mention music, Lately I've been trying to find good musicians who really want to get out and do something with their abilities. I've been working with "The Texture", and things are coming along well. The songs are working themselves out, new parts are coming and recording is begining. I also have a sorta solo project going on called "The Final Product of a Pop-Culture Government" It's songs that I've written past and present."Lost on Main St." was a band i was in shortly. I loved their music and it was a thrill in itself to work with some talented guys. I still try to promote the old music to anyone i think might be interested.

Melvins Shows - It is a must that if the Melvins come to Ohio, that i will do anything in my power to make it to that show. The Melvins are the kings of all melody. You can't handle it. ;)

Writing - I try, but i'm not usually happy with the outcome.

You could say that interests me. Life in general amazes me, confuses me, pisses me off. Its almost unbearable. I've found its extemely hard to find people you can trust in this world. but i got lucky and found a few who are priceless and i wouldn't trade for the world, I'd prolly take a bullet for them. (you should know who you are :) There's also people who have basicly used me for money, a roof, or other things. I don't hold grudge. I'm extemely nice and forgiving. But some people have taken advantage of this for far too long and some people have said some shit that i can't just let go and ignore. I'm not mad anymore, Just disgusted in the fact that alot of these people i considered close friends. I was seriously upset about this for a minute, not cause of the shit they said, but cause of the friend i lost. I guess you live and learn though.

I watch football all weekend, College and Pro. Ohio State, Pitt and Texas Tech, :) Browns, Cardinals, and Bengals. Theres just something about it, the stategy and the battle. I wish i would've been more into it when i was younger, hahaha
Go Browns!

College Basketball will soon replace the football addiction. Texas Tech. and Ohio State of course! I got a handful of teams i like to keep a close eye on. March Madness is awesome. Wisconsin is up on the list too. NBA Basketball is aiight if i'm watching the Cavs, Jazz or Mavs. :) Thats fun to say, hahaha,duh!

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ, wow, i'd have many of questions to ask him, some say ask him now, and i do, but alot of times i get no return, note i didn't say all the time, i just don't really understand i guess.

Emma Burgess
Claudio Sanchez
Chino Moreno
Daryl Palumbo

Jonathon Davis
Brian Welch
Antoine Dufour
Hailey Douglas
My grandfather
The Dude (haha)
Sara Watkins

Sean Watkins
Chris Thile

Trent Reznor
Marilyn Manson
Maynard James Keenan
Dave Grohl = Genius
Art Alexakis
Kurt Cobain
Mike Watt
Joy in Tomorrow
Talena Atfield
Kittie - What I Always Wanted
Fallon Bowman
Manchester Orchestra
Dick Goddard
Zach Galehouse's unconceived child )))"
Lee Stroud (survivorman)
Ross Robinson
Gary Larson (the Far Side)
I already met Buzzo (sweet)
Scott Weiland
Kevin Smith
Kim Deal
The real deal :) Kim Deal is the shit, I love her voice, i love her work, i love her style, oh kiss the world, oh kiss the sky, ITS EDUCATIONAL! plus, she was a frickin beastie girl, na, fuck that she was a beastie boy! Kim and Kelly are the shit, The Breeders rock! The Pixies Rock!, Kim Deal Rocks!
The Pixies
Zack De La Rocha
Bill Cosby
Michelle Branch
Cameron Diaz
Alex Mack
Spongebob Allen Squarepants
Bender Bending Rodrigez and Fry
Marilyn Manson
Your Mom
An honest trustworthy girl who can accept me and my imperfections as a human being.
There's defenitly more people out in this world that I would love to meet. and theres defenitly alot of people i could live without. Slowly but surely these people make themselves known. I blame myself.
Helmet - Exactly What You Wanted

Awesome Person
Awesome Photographer
Click the banner to see

-Bella Photography-

The Deftones
What can i say, Do i need to? The deftones move me like no other. By far the best thing to happen to music. There will be no other chino. lol. for real. And the melodies, they leave me speechless alot.


Joy in Tomorrow
Ashland, Ohio
September 13th 2007

Deftones, KoRn, Coheed and Cambria, Glassjaw, Emma Burgess, Alesana, Kittie, Kittie - Brackish

The Fall of Troy, Trust Company, Lost on Main Street, Team Sleep, Rasputina, Orange Drink, Staind, Pixies, Stone Temple Pilots, Rage Against the Machine, Secondhand Serenade, Corinne Baily Rae, Portishead, The Apex Theory, Augustana, Everclear, Marilyn Manson, Yung Joc, Digital Underground, [Bone thugs n Harmony, Al Fatz, Chimaria, Mushroomhead, (Cleveland Representin) State Bird, Snot, Beck, The Wreckers, The Melvins, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Incubus, Crucial Conflict, Craig Morgan, Blake Shelton, NIN, Jewel, Fall Out Boy, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Allison Krauss, Violent Femmes, Ice Cube, Orgy, POD, Beasties, Foo Fighters, Beck, Taproot, Chevelle, Disturbed, Mudvayne, King Crimson, Flyleaf, Michelle Branch, Queens of the Stone Age, Static-X, Altamont, Evanescence, THANK U BUZZO, Alice in Chains, Mad Season, Badly Drawn Boy, King Crimson, Smashing Pumpkins, Laguardia, Eyes Adrift, Sublime, Something Corporate, Sex Pistols, Hawthorne Heights, Sparta, Paz Lenchantin, CCR, Hum, Oleander, Tenacious D, Rancid, NoFx, Helmet, Wu-Tang Clan, Golgotha Flesh Atmosphere, Noxa, SNFU, My Chemical Romance, The Cure, The Used, Machinehead, Filter, The Executioners, The Beatles, The Mars Volta, Garbage, Tom Petty, Silverchair (frogstomp), Local H., The Prize Fighter Inferno, Three Days Grace, LOS COMINOS, Gin Blossoms, Ok Go, Roadskull, The Nightwatchmen, Brandon Mason, Joy in Tomorrow, Adam Burrows, Taylor Hawkins and the Coattail Riders, Last of the Beleivers, Velvet Revolver, The Last Relapse, Nerd Table, Uriah Heep, The Cody Burgess Project, Morphine, Frou Frou, Mudhoney, Manchester Orchestra, From Autumn to Ashes, Bright Eyes, Commander Venus, Cold War Kids, Indorphine, Parkway Drive, Lydia, A Hero Next Door, This Car Up, Cursive, Circa Survive, Dead Hand Jack, The Devil Wears Prada, Cold War Kids, Ligtning Bolt, August Burns Red, Between Me and the Buried, Bless the Fall, Broken Social Scene, Cage, Chiodos, Shabutie ;), Elliott Smith, El-P, Flipper, Frank Black, MC 900 ft. Jesus, Panic! at the Disco, Plain White Tees, The Postal Service, Promise, Tool, XO Skeletons, Traxamillion, Cassanova Sparks, End the Stars, Amphibious Assault, Joey Eppard, Kimya Dawson, The Moldy Peaches, MIA, Roadskull, Life Between Sleep, Sound the Sirens, Don't Sleep, ...


Clerks, Hannibal, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Stand by Me, What Dreams May Come, The Outsiders, American History X, Ray, Friday Night Lights, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Dogma, Blow, Hardball, Fear and Loathing, The Sandlot, The Goonies, A League of Thier Own, Spinal Tap, Cheech & Chong flix, The Others, Mothman Prophecies, THE BIG LEBOWSKI(1)(all time), Friday(s), Juice, Boyz n the Hood, The Boy Who Could Fly, Gremlins, The Hills Have Eyes, Friday the 13th (all), Harold and Kumar go to Whithe Castle, tHE bODYGUARD, Sniper, Eragon, Romeo & Juliet (orig), Batman (all), Trainspotting, Summer School, The Simpsons Movie, Halloween, Buffalo Soliders, Click, The Last Samurai,


TV is becoming obsolete since its getting warm, I like Music DVD's, Deftones - B-Sides and Rarities, Coheed and Cambria - Live at the Starland Ballroom, Korn - Who then Now, as for TV, NO CABLE!, lol, but as soon as football season starts i'm sure i'll be glues to somebodys boob tube. :)



Stephanie, ya know!
Daryl Palumbo
Chino Moreno
Abe Cunningham
Emma Burgess
Drew Carrey
Kim Deal
Frank Black
Paz and Ana Lenchantin
Scott Weiland
I was Here at this show!!!!
STP Stone Temple Pilot - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart (Rolling Rock Town Fair 2.2)

Ryne Sandberg
Jonathon Davis
Brian Welch
Dick Goddard
Danny Carey
Claudio Sanchez
Art Alexikas
Chad Sexton
Veronica Bellias
KoRn 4-life
Sara Watkins
Nickel Creek
Kevin Smith
Zach Galehouse
King Buzzo
The Melvins
your mom
MY Mom
Maxwell (the Maxwell Show)
My brotha Nate
Jamie Ray Hamric (R.I.P. I love you dude! You were a good man. I'm blessed and proud to have known you.)


My Blog

Ive Been Dying to Reach You (Circa Survive)

Dear child, they’re asking us to move I watched her taking off her shoe (Let the shore tide take you in, let the shore tide in) Unwary i’m not quite rusty yet This could be obvious to ...
Posted by Snoop on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 05:36:00 PST

The Road and the Damned (Coheed and Cambria)

I beleivedIn the world right in front of mebut nowAlong these empty streetsWhere the curse haunts these memoriesOf a man and all he’s lost No time to think about itNo room to breathe If i had a ...
Posted by Snoop on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:30:00 PST

The Science

We are, mistaken, these nights, these words, these widescreens, the trials of bad habits, the motives for wanting better things... The science, moves faster, our bodies taking over, this religion...
Posted by Snoop on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:03:00 PST

poisoned to my rotten core

just like youwe'd always saywe'd make it through then my headfell apartand where were youhow could iever thinkits funny howeverything you swore that wouldn't changeis different knowjust themyou and me...
Posted by Snoop on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:42:00 PST