You wont know anything about me, unless you get to know me. I prefer it that way. My body is made up of two main materials: The Outdoors and Music. Yes. Yes it is. God is changing me. Thank goodness. whatever i would make myself could never be good. I am reffered to quite often a misplaced flower child and a clone of my mom. i dont mind so much. shes my best friend. i dont want to say that i want to change the world. but i wish the world would change itself sometimes.
yes, im an artist, an unrealistic dreamer, and i often burst into song and bust out random dance moves. i have found that being myself, makes most people really uncomfortable. sorry. i prefer to be real, yea, sometimes i can be immature. we all have to be kids sometimes. my gray hairs will come when their due. to all those who are curious...i dont post blogs on myspace anymore. if your really that bored, you can check out my xanga: you rock my bloddy socks off
we are so bonnie and clyde
Mia Muffin
and Caity Cupcake
will share their dentures.
Because they are too sweet
to have real teeth.======================================================
Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user