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Angelina Leigh
aka Living Paperdoll©
Overlapping text created at: myspacetweaks.comi enjoy ripping heads off of people and long walks on the beach.reading, partying,movies,boating, the beach, traveling, music, camping with beer-bonfires,vampires,witch-trials,evp.,animals...especiall
y cats,wolves and dolophins! i also like hunting down enemies & shoving stakes thru their hearts :)
Myspace Layouts
Photographers, agents, and other models;Hugh Hefner and his three BEAUTIFUL girlfriends;MICKY AND MALORIE!Angelina Jolie;Tori Amos;Stewie;Sarah Silverman; Mozart;Charles Manson;Lillith;the carebears;my future husband.Me me me me meeeee© 2007:
i pretty much plug in to listening to a little of everything. hard rock to hip hop to country-rock. I DON"T like gangsta rap or screaming heavy metal!
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commentshack.comDon't i look HOT playing a guitar? someone wanna give me free lessons???
the virgin suicides;
Natural Born Killers;
Romeo & Juliet;
Final Destination 1,2,3;
The Devil's Rejects;
13 Ghosts;
Orange County;Gia;Little miss sunshine;BEST MOVIE of 2006= *Hardcandy*;Running with scissors
Hosted by Sparkle Tags
The Girls Next Door; Greys' Anatomy; Cold Case; Forensic files; House; SNL and MAD TV; my name is earl; the office; Girls Gone Bad; Ghost Whisperer; SARAH SILVERMAN ROCKS!it's me again:
Anne Rice novels; 'I Never Promised You a Rose Garden'; Real Crime novels; Steven King
mom & dad and my cats!Most of all...all the men and women who fight for our country and freedom, even when ignorant presidents send them to fight wars that are not worth losing their lives over! *BRING OUR TROOPS HOME*
~"I never loved a soldier until there was a war or thought about tommarrow until my baby hit the floor.I only talk to god when somebodys about to die.I never cherished freedom... freedom never cries."
MY cat Cocoa and I:
Hosted by Sparkle Tags