deviL'S purOPERTY profile picture

deviL'S purOPERTY

HERE IT IS THIS AINT RATE GH OR B IT'S RATE D. this isn't for little eyes

About Me

Our time is too delicate and valuable to be wasting it trying to get things we can never achieve. I know when i have to man up. I know at times i have to turn to others to help me and i am so thankful and loving to those who were there for me. Life beconds, will you heed it's call? Life have so many situation that can easily become a life lession. Some lessions are learn unskathed while others leave a person bruised and battered. The are even times when a person can learn from hurting another person regardless of intention. Everytime we affect the lives of another, we hold some responsibility to that person. Honor the bonds you make and never full ignore the bond you break. There is so much to be discovered and more to learn from, from what I have Found. I learn from my own actions and I hold my bonds to others as an oath to myself. I will be strong enough to conquer me and I will Hold My Bonds as long as I have strength in my hands. My hands are my vitality, i am a massage therapist and dont you forget it.♥ ♥ I love you deeper than you will ever know, we are connected in ways this world can never understand. We are bonded by the will of man, our will ♥
Anyone Else But You Lyrics ..

My Interests

Nothing I can talk about to the public...he'd get mad if i share the secret.

I'd like to meet:

I dont like people that dont say hi when he or she requests to add me, er, no really. PLZ DONT WASTE TIME UNLESS YOU'VE GOT SOME GOOD LOVIN' and a DAMN GOOD VIBE>But the people i do want to meet from here are as follow. Keep up with me . the queen of the amazons. guys that aren't affraid of some r and r. gurls that are street smart, crazy sexy, cool, and and have a personallity all their own. love me some of em der diva ladies. I want to meet archers, jumpers, and hotguy street bike kinda guys.


very eclectic, spread in a few scenes, random electronica, random down tempo, random trip hop, random hip hop, random soul, random soul house, random funk, random funky house(all kinds), random rock, random emo, random indie, random oldies, random 80's, random classic rock, random jazz, random lounge, random happycore........... randomhouse house house...yum....good beats to get my swerve on...boum boum chichka boum boum=====i believe in miracles, where ya from?? you sexy thing.. . ... ..MINMI, Towa Tei, Bjork, Miss Lady Kier, Deee-Lite, Fake Fur, Pure Sugar, Cassius, Bassment Jaxx, Moloko, Justin Time, Cyndi Lauper, Goldfrapp, Pink Martini, Tina Turner, Journey, Lena Horn, Miles Davis, Frank, Diana Krall, 1990's Mariah Carrie, Exscape, S.W.V., Total, Portishead, The Hacher, Gwen, Poe,Sneaker Pimps, MIGHTY MOdonna,Bette Midler, Goten Progect, Sia, M.I.A.


vampire hunter D(classic anime) legally blond. amelie.the hobit(the lord of the rings) matrix. charlies angels. hackers. the sth element. tiger crouching drangon hide. tomb raider( both) films where women kick ass. Red Sonya. Beast master(older one was better; new one was tacky!) The Sweetest Thing.Margaret Cho's I'm THE ON That I Want.and falcon.=======


not too much...cartoons!! Food TV...hmmm food tv


not lately


were do i start. No to be philisophical or overly sophisticated, but you can look up to someone, and not respect him or her. You can also change a point of view or a feeling. A hero one day history the next day. i aspired to be someone perfect at different times in my life. I've struggled to gain approval of a few men in my life, and i realized i was wasting my effort to gain the eye of men that had already noticed me. I've never been anything special, but i have been special to some people that have graced and ravaged my life. I have been seen as I am and as he or she sees me and i have changed. For many years i have changed the outside to make the inside seem more special and i realized again, i wasted my time. I wanted to gain aproval and i've wanted to make others proud of me. Trying to gain such acknowledgement is a waste of time. You gain the acknowledgement when you are staying true to the path and ONLY, IF ONLY, those around you chose to acknowledge hat one had done or accomplished. My heros are those that have helped me to realize that getting noticed comes natural. Rod you are a hero, your feeling are fragile and run deep, you words stay with me. Dre, yoo are a hero when you put aside your self and put aside your needs to deeply and truely understand those around you, you hide your pain, but remind me by being yourself, it is true stregth to be weak. Yves, you made me go back to the boy i once forgot how to be, and i am allowed to be a new man because of it. Mama, you set out to do what's right and you stay neive through it all, how you can be so stronge and delicate at the same time scares me and drives me, I will always consider the consiquences; you are a hero even if you aren't perfect. Jeremy, you make me realize I need to get my head out of my gloom and back into action, YOU NEED TO DO THE SAME!!!!!!!!! MAKE A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR YOU YOUNGER BROTHER, I NEED A ROLE MODEL TO SURPASS!!!!!!!! And now that you have to slow down to raise my nephew, I will pass you a lot sooner than expected, you'll have to work hard! Let me be your hero by saying, a drop out CAN surpass a Genius with hard work!!! b>HAH. I adore margaret cho...divas..i love'em..thats all...
What Mutant Powers Do You Have? by Frisket17
Dominate Mutant Power Illusion Casting
Secondary Mutant Power Mind Transferal
Rank Level Twink
Affiliation/Team Friends of Humanity Lacky
Temperment Loner
Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Blog

who was i fooling to think a person could completely violate me, while i was willing.

who was i fooling to think a person could completely violate me, while i was willing all i asked for is a completely understanding heart to hurt me, someone with a clear signal i run into walls that c...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:56:00 PST

the ability to live yeilds the ability to die

in our own hand, we live.  Some of those that live are well aware that the ablitiy to take life is in our hands:  We could all take our own lives, but i'm here for a long while,  and&nb...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:01:00 PST


People have a tendancy to desire the ideal.  I wont argue that i am in that catagory.  How ideal is it to really persue that ideal?  Lives are led by the ideals of when one lives, who o...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 02:54:00 PST

young fever

Youth is often revered and idolize in society, both media and culturally.  There is such vibrancy and attraction that centers around the idealism that we can all be forever young.  As a youn...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:24:00 PST


When we go into relationships, we all have our on expectations that something good will come out of it.  But, most of us go into a relationship expecting what we ourselves will get out of it.&nbs...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:03:00 PST

sunday 10/07

when a man is trying to be what the world tells him to be, you have to wonder, what did he hear when he was told.  How a person see, hear, and feel what was before him? When we take in what ...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 04:18:00 PST

that guy

i've tried and tried and given up and tried more.  If what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, i'd imagine that he's making me pretty strong.  I can seem to get him to pay me what i feel i'...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 04:11:00 PST

I wanna have fun with you....on the toilet

Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 08:57:00 PST

i love a cutural joke

  There was a black man, a white man, a native American man, and a Latino man. All four of them were on top of a cliff discussing the difficulties that their people had gone through. The native A...
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


cast bricks .dont cast me to be left abroad. take hold. dont hold me back from myself. run down. dont run me around after you.
Posted by deviL'S purOPERTY on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST