History, computers,Army,Genealogy,archeology, religion,Art, music, gardening,Eastern teachings, Feng Shui,poetry, datings, hanging around,walking to the nature , by to the riverside, mountains,Dark science, Gothic Art and stil, vampires, ocultism and many more:)
Normal people, fine friends, all patriots, my soulmate, who is share upinion like me . .. Click here for more information about the songs
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All, except hip hop, and rep music, hate im:(
Comedy,Love movies, classical,Thrilers, Drama, Historical Spectacles, SF, Serbian movies and more depend of my mood,Horrors, Like Evil death, Fog,Movies for books S. Kinga, and E.A. Poe:)
rarely watching some movie, show, music clips,History channel.
Classical books, history books, science literature,magazines, newspappers, and more.
All people trough to history to was be a patriots of his countries, like Spartacus,Hanibal,King David,Samson,Mahatma Gandhi,Garibaldi,Prince Lazar Hrebelanovich,Aleksandar Nevski,Dmitrii Donskii,Stalin,Josip Broz Tito,Slobodan Milosevich,Nelson Mandela,Sadam Hussain, and many more known and unknown heroes:)
Молитва за Србију
ГоÑподе ХриÑте, помози,
да, оборена у прах, из праха уÑтане,
да Ñе раÑута Ñабере,да оÑлепела прогледа,
да убијена, мучена и Ñпаљена,
да заклана,згажена,обешена и раÑпета,
у знане и незнане гробове Ñахрањена,
и из Ñвих гробова и мука ваÑкрÑла,
цела Србија Ñтане под један венац!
Љубомир Симовић