My main interests are ART and MUSIC. i love to write my own songs and sing...but my art is the one thing that keeps me..
well a few peep's i want to meet are jonhy depp, client eastwood, my great uncle bob luman (who has reecently been put in the rockabilly hall of fame.) orlando bloom, maynard Videjames keenan, adam jones, josh groban, amy lee
jay and silent bob
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whats your name? Alissa
whats your favorite color? Torquoise
who do you consider to be your best friend(s)? Alyssa H., Alyssa R., Allison, Gloria, John, and Ashton
Do you remember your first love? yes
what was there name? aaron
Are you still together? no
what is your favorite animal? sparrow or to be general birds
IF you had a magical power what would it be? the power to fly
would you use is for good or evil? good
what would you do if you found a million dollars in a bag somewhere? to be honest spend it, who comes across a million dollars. first i would pay off all my bills, buy a car and a house, then i would help my family.
Do you smoke? yes
DO you drink? yes
Have you ever smoked pot? yes
How old where you when you did? 14
do have any tattoos? yes
how many piercings do you have. 3
would you die for someone? yes
who would that be? not sure, probably anyone who is close to me or i care a lot about.
Could you ever kill someone? yes, i it came down to it.
what is the wierdest food you ever ate? squid
do you prefer dogs or cats? cats
do you consider your self original? yes
are you addicted to myspace? absolutely
whats your favorite thing to drink? diet sprite or sprite zero with crushed ice
if you had only one choice to aid to your survival, what would you choose water or food? water
would you ever donate an orgin?what? yes, any
do you work? yes
do you like your job? its ok
if you had three wishes what would they be? 1. good health, 2.million dollars, finally meet my sould mate.
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i am electric,i am all over the palce. when it comes to music i like everything,some of my fa v's are A perfect circle, Tool, Blue October, Stained, Deftones, Gnarls Barkely, Fall out boy, Hawthorne Heights, Aiden, Silversteen, Panic at the Disco, Kron, Disturbed, Marylon Manson, Lacuna Coil, Orgy, The Gorillas, The Killers, The Muse, Three Doors Down, Velvet Revolver, The Mars Volta, Eagles, Tesla, Extreme, Linkin Park, Limp Biskit, Seather, Evanescense, The Toadies, Nirvana, Metalica, The Vines, The Cure, HIM, The DOORS, Pantera, Blask Sabeth, The WHo, Pink Floyd, Pink, Damien Rice, Al Green, Greenday, Hoobastank, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ausioslave, Alice in chains, Alice Cooper, Slipknot, Otep, Maroon 5, Ramstein, Switchfoot, The Days of the New, FlipSyde, Christina Aguilera, Pussy Cat Dolls, Black Eye Peas, Cold, and many more.........
all horror movies and anything that will make me laugh my ass off
Bones,Dr.House,Dark Angel,ect...Kenny Rogers Jackass: Jackass Olympics
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Speak,anything shakespeare, Steven king, or Anne Rice
my mom, batman,spiderman, superman,mighty mouse