Pop Rocks. A party for your mouth.
I'd like to meet myself when I was 6 so I could tell me to look under the bed before I went to sleep that fateful night. To look and to remove my sister's lunchbox. The very same whose contents emptied every ant hill in Southern California and lured them to my bed in an ungodly lust for food and, it would seem, little girl. Yes folks.....can you see it? Awoken by what seemed to be a tickle of sorts.....a tickle that spread over your entire body...every inch....every inch covered....covered in crawling, swarming, feasting, blood thirsty ants! OH THE GATES OF HELL WERE OPENED THAT NIGHT AND I SAW THE HOARDS OF SATAN COMING FOR ME!! THE ANTS!! THE AAAAAANNTS!! Oh, and I'd like to meet that guy that invented indoor plumbing, too. He rocks. :)
Punk, ska, big band, latin jazz, classical, deep house, classic rock, hard core, celtic, funk
Lessee....Blade Runner, Gladiator, Braveheart, Princes Bride ( I am a girl after all), Apocalypse Now...love horror flicks (dear Lord The Grudge scared the crap outta me!) and good action movies like The Bourne series....ooh! The Iron Giant, fun fun, The Prince of Egypt....and for some unknown reason that makes me feel not quite right inside, The Waterboy is growing on me.....gads there are so many. I'll have to come back to this later. Tah!
Umm...hardly ever watch TV but when I do, I like the Learning Channel. Good stuff on that there network. Yes sir. Punk'd cracks me up...well...mostly Ashton cracks me up. Who knew the kid was smart?? Blue Collar Comedy scores points.....History Channel, Animal Planet....love to learn stuff so all that sorta thing works for me. Invader Zim rocks. And Teen Titans! heh! BUT........ABOVE ALL ELSE .......I LOVE.............Beverly Hills 90210. It is my all time favorite.....ok I have to stop now. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Bad joke. Bad, bad joke....
The B.I.B.L.E. has some pretty amazing stories in it.....grew up on the Tolkien books. Love em dearly....gonna come back to this part too....way too much to add right now!
Whoever invented Pop Rocks. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.