R-dree-EL profile picture


Underneath this flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.

About Me

I feel dirty. Up until this very moment, I used to be able to answer the "Do you have a My Space account" question with an enthusiastic and resounding "HELL NO!". It was a point of pride. I was a lone warrior, battling the onslaught of world wide conformity! I was independant! I was strong! I was.....I was....hell I was bored. That and my gal, Cori, has a way of getting under your skin until you bow to her every wish. You know, kinda like a bad rash thats cryin out for some cortizone. So here ya go , Cor. This one's for you.Now a lil bout me, right quick: I play a mean game of poker (probably more often then is healthy for a normal person). I love to dance and play paintball. Yes, occasionally done at the same time. I'm that good. Love to camp and hike. I read. I write (Thank you LAUSD). I sing. I play. I pick my nose (Just makin sure you're paying attention). I love tatoos, piercings and sexy goatees. I love guns and motorcycles, watersports and playin football. I grew up a boy and didn't figure out I was a girl until the guys started to point it out.....I live in California and I'm a professional wrestler. Well, not really but it sounds like it would be fun.Anywho, I'm bored of me so I'll stop now.Cheers. PS - I took this test 3 different times with 3 totally different sets of questions and got the same movie every time....

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Pop Rocks. A party for your mouth.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet myself when I was 6 so I could tell me to look under the bed before I went to sleep that fateful night. To look and to remove my sister's lunchbox. The very same whose contents emptied every ant hill in Southern California and lured them to my bed in an ungodly lust for food and, it would seem, little girl. Yes folks.....can you see it? Awoken by what seemed to be a tickle of sorts.....a tickle that spread over your entire body...every inch....every inch covered....covered in crawling, swarming, feasting, blood thirsty ants! OH THE GATES OF HELL WERE OPENED THAT NIGHT AND I SAW THE HOARDS OF SATAN COMING FOR ME!! THE ANTS!! THE AAAAAANNTS!! Oh, and I'd like to meet that guy that invented indoor plumbing, too. He rocks. :)


Punk, ska, big band, latin jazz, classical, deep house, classic rock, hard core, celtic, funk


Lessee....Blade Runner, Gladiator, Braveheart, Princes Bride ( I am a girl after all), Apocalypse Now...love horror flicks (dear Lord The Grudge scared the crap outta me!) and good action movies like The Bourne series....ooh! The Iron Giant, fun fun, The Prince of Egypt....and for some unknown reason that makes me feel not quite right inside, The Waterboy is growing on me.....gads there are so many. I'll have to come back to this later. Tah!


Umm...hardly ever watch TV but when I do, I like the Learning Channel. Good stuff on that there network. Yes sir. Punk'd cracks me up...well...mostly Ashton cracks me up. Who knew the kid was smart?? Blue Collar Comedy scores points.....History Channel, Animal Planet....love to learn stuff so all that sorta thing works for me. Invader Zim rocks. And Teen Titans! heh! BUT........ABOVE ALL ELSE .......I LOVE.............Beverly Hills 90210. It is my all time favorite.....ok I have to stop now. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Bad joke. Bad, bad joke....


The B.I.B.L.E. has some pretty amazing stories in it.....grew up on the Tolkien books. Love em dearly....gonna come back to this part too....way too much to add right now!


Whoever invented Pop Rocks. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

My Blog

A Wise Man Once Said...

"If you ever can't find yourself, chances are, like those keys and the book you almost finished, it is right there before you. You are right there before you. Hiding in plain sight. Really, it all com...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:27:00 PST


So now I have to post (well I guess I don't HAVE to but I'm gonna anyway) 6 weird or habitual things about myself.  If I tag you, you gotta do the same.  K, go!1.  I have pyro...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 04:30:00 PST

My Zippo Still Rocks

So they tried to confiscate my zippo at the Phoenix airport.  Instead I mailed it to myself.  It just arrived from it's travels safe and sound.  Like it always does.......sigh.  I ...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:41:00 PST

Oh, No Frickin Way...

Thank you Dante for the oh-so-accurate superhero test!  Lovin it ;) You scored as Lara Croft. A thrill-seeking, slightly unscrupulous, tough-as-nails archaeologist, Lara Croft travels the world i...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 11:46:00 PST

My Beloved Lucky Zippo

Ahh, yes.  My Zippo is still lucky.I went to this party last night at a person's house whom I did not know.  There were a bunch of people and lots of drinks to be guzzled and, in the en...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 02:07:00 PST


It comes and goesEbbing and flowing as erratically as TimeLike the rain I pray will purge my sicknessThe rain that never endures quite long enough to bear a consummate revelationTo...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 10:13:00 PST

Watch What You Sniff

Ok so heres the thing. The other day, for no sane reason whatsoever, I was sitting on my couch and remembering back to this one day in Jr. High. Science class.....and the teacher was telling us&n...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 01:43:00 PST

I CANNOT Believe I did This...

You better not laugh people, but I actually glued my fingers together today. SHOOSH!!! I was gluing this lil box thing together and I guess some got in between two of my fingers on one hand.....and ...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 09:58:00 PST


My kitten walks on velvet feetAnd makes no sound at allAnd in the doorway nightly sitsTo watch the darkness fallI think he loves the Lady NightAnd feels akin to herWhose footsteps are as still as hisW...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 07:52:00 PST

The Lucky Zippo

So I was sitting outside on the grass smoking (yes, thats 'grass smoking' not 'smoking grass' people) and talking on the phone and writing stuff down in a notepad..... Needless to say when I went bac...
Posted by R-dree-EL on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 12:24:00 PST