Michelliott profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a mom of 4 wonderful children who are just brilliant, each in their own right. I have a wonderful husband who keeps me grounded and balanced. I am a musician. I've been playing french horn since I was 14. I hope to someday do some work in music therapy. Or own a bed and breakfast. Or do some kind of sound healing IN the bed and breakfast. For now, I'll eat breakfast in bed with the stereo on!! In the mean time, I am enjoying every moment of the journey. FREE Myspace Layouts
Free Myspace Layouts..

My Interests

The spiritual everyday

I'd like to meet:

Okay...this borders on unhealthy obsession, BUT...Bruce Springsteen!!!!! and Patti and Max and Little Steven and Clarence etc...I'd love to have them over my house for sandwiches and a good time............I'd love to train with Rocky. Not so much Sly Stallone, but, Rocky..............It would be my honor to make cup of tea and delightful pastry to share with Iyanla VanZant...........Coffee with Ellen Degeneres. What a hoot that would be.


THIS JUST IN..........NEW FAVORITE.....RENE GRUSS COOL CLASSIC MUSIC. Check it out. You won't be sorry!Yes, please. Any and all. I am a musician myself. (Classical/ French horn) Among my favorites are Bruuuuuuuce, Frank Sinatra (is there anyone cooler?), Harry Connick Jr., Beethoven, Mozart, almost any and all classic rock and a few guilty pleasures from the 80's.


Rocky Balboa!!!!Immortal Beloved, Fried Green Tomatoes, Rocky 1-5, Elf, Love Actually


Rats! Starting Over is off the air! What a great message to get away from the set and get on with the Starting Over! 24........ House........ NipTuck......... The Shield.........American Idol,geeky but I love it!


JD Salinger, Andrew Weil, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jacki Brown, CS Lewis, Charles Shultz are some favorite authors. Read The Secret Life of Bees (which has unlocked many secrets of life for me) Yesterday I Cried, The Mermaid Chair, The Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood, DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons (WAY BETTER THAN THE CODE) Ben Franklins Autobiography................Just read; and HIGHLY recommend, Greetings from E STREET. It's the story of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. What a wonderful story of friendship, loyalty, mutual respect, pulling in, and letting go. Wow. We should all be so lucky to have just one friendship like that in our lifetime.


My friend Charles Read.....I've always looked up to him and wanted to emulate him on and off the horn! He's a very old school kind of guy, firm in his beliefs and truer than true to himself. And the best horn player I've had the good fortune to call friend.

My Blog

Overwhelming Gratitude

Woweeeeee!! Not sure of how to begin...... Friends, neighbors, relatives, and people I never met in my life all came together yesterday to help us raise $$ for our daughter Cait.  We'll be taking...
Posted by Michelliott on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:10:00 PST

Go listen to this NOW

..http://myspace.com/renegruss">.. src="http://www.renegruss.com/Images/Banner/ClassicCool.jpg" >>...
Posted by Michelliott on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:42:00 PST